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[Stock] Biggest Sun Orbit

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Its Basicly how straight you can get that green line around the sun without ruining the krackens day to much and stock parts (Have your last Stage survive). Additonaly The smallest ship wins in Tie Brakers. Also i think this is a one way trip but do have a try getting back.

Chosen Ship:


Ploted Orbit



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My mate Werez is actually using puush. Now then, mate, make sure to slightly lower KSP's resolution, or Push will include that snippet of taskbar as it has been doing. Or, do as Bluejayek suggested, but navigate to your screenshot directory and directly puush the pictures. I'll explain anything else back on steam tomorrow. Probably.

I'll see if I can beat the pants off you. Gentleman's rules, I would assume (No unscrupulous use of the debug mode!)

Consider this ON.

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I broke puush as in it wont reconise the keyboard commands so i opted for the alternitive capture the entier desktop. Yes it is a speed for distance (stress endurance from the kracken aswell) challange in a sence but the orbit line and the closer you get to a straight orbit line wins. And yes no use of Debug and parts hence the [stock] tag (wonder if it will kick off)

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Does this qualify?

This was for another stock challenge a little while ago, reach 1Tm as fast as possible. I ended up going 20,000m/s at 1Tm and decelerating at like 1m/s a day or less, so this is a fairly straight trajectory.\

Edit: Launchpad screenshot

Edited by Bluejayek
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I think you fly rockets to efficently Bluejayek :D and it clear its going to have a really straight orbit around the sun. if theres one with a straighter orbit then that ill be amazed. i dont think its posible to get exactly a straight line altho. At anyrate im leaving my ship to escape the sun orbit (68yrs)

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The 68 years you see is actually infinity. Its sort of a bug left by 32 bit signed integers being used to represent those times in seconds.

Also, there was nothing efficient about that rocket! It was pure brute force :) (Note the 19 stages...)

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