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...and we run the engines on liquified Tiberium.

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...Kerbarium? Hmm...

United Nations Global Defense Initiative - Special Operations Group Echo: Black Ops 9






Brotherhood of Nod - Brotherhood. Unity. Peace.

Nuclear launch detected.






All the black and yellow diagonal warning stripes took me back to 1995 and I came down with a bad case of Commandandconqueritis.

This is the vanilla parts only; I might do other parts sets later, of course after asking for permission from the creators. The only part not repainted is the bracing strut. The radial decoupler didn't need to be repainted to fit the GDI theme.

'But Kaitlyn,' I hear some of the younger gamers whine, 'why are the Nod components light gray rather than black or all red or at least a darker shade?' Because, grasshopper, in the original C&C game (retroactively referred to as Tiberium Dawn,) while the GDI units and structures were all yellow (goldenrod?), the Nod structures were red but their combat units were all light gray.

and Kane action figure with Karate Chop Action available soon.*

Download links:

GDI stock parts for v0.8.5

GDI stock parts for v0.9

NOD stock parts for v0.8.5

NOD stock parts for v0.9

I'm including sets configured for v0.8.5 because some people (myself included) are still running it due to lag issues with v0.9.

*Orbital Ion Cannon and Kane action figure not actually available.

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You can almost imagine it...

The rocket is coasting through space. Suddenly, an alarm sounds.

EVA: Tiberium Exposure detected.

Jeb: EVA? What are you doing here?

Green crystalline spores fill the cockpit.

EVA: Tiberium poisoning confirmed. Estimated time until fatality is... 2 minutes and 43 seconds.

Bob: We're all gonna die!

Bill: Game over man! Game over!

Mission Control: Fireball 1, do not attempt to return to Kearth. We have not set up containment procedures. I repeat, Jeb, do not return to Kearth.

Jeb smashes the radio.

Jeb: There is only one thing we can do. WE MUST RETURN TO KEARTH!

EVA:Time until fatality... 1 minute.

Jeb fires all boosters in escape trajectory. Tiberium crystals begin to form on the controls.

EVA: Fatality in 10...

The rocket enters lower atmosphere.

EVA: 5...

Jeb: Yee-haw!

EVA: 3... 2... 1...


Kearth was unprepared for the tiberium corruption. The whole planetary surface was a yellow zone in 24 hours, a red zone in 40.

All of the population was dead, or horribly mutated.

A whole planet was wiped out because of one kerbal named Jebediah.

Picture of red zone: Warning-Is big!


So... what do you think?

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Ah yes the Commandandconqueritis. I myself have come down with it several times,and it keeps coming back every now and then. For some reson it feels like it could burst out at any moment now.

Anyway this looks AWSOME! I really like that you went with the old C&C original colors.

Cant wait for the downloads.

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  Frostiken said:

I kinda like the Nod one... the GDI one looks too much like an African warlord's idea of a space program.

I can kind of see that, kind of not. I don't know, it looks a shade too dark to me to be gold plated.

It's an interesting thing really. C&C may have been the first (and possibly only?) RTS to actually try to make the unit colors not look like unit colors but like actual legitimate camo. The game was very much themed after the '91 Gulf War (what with the UN using desert camo and Abrams tanks and A-10s and Nod with Apache helicopters and a PASGT helmet on every head.) The yellow unit color for the GDI was definitely supposed to represent something like a desert tan or DCU desert camo pattern (which was legitimate enough in the African campaign missions but not so much in the European/Scandanavian missions) while the gray units for Nod were supposed to represent something like US Subdued Urban camo (which doesn't blend in anywhere that doesn't have smoke machines. Once upon a time, this was actually considered a good idea and yet is probably still a more legitimate idea than UCP.)

In any case, C&C (and Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight) totally ruined team-play colors for me in every other game. It seems everyone universally defaults to red vs. blue, but in my mind it should and always will be red vs. gold.

I considered overlaying a camo pattern on the skins (tiled, desaturated, opacity turned way down) and I may still do that later on, I don't know, for now I didn't feel like putting the extra work into that, plus it probably looks silly as hell on a spaceship. (Not that goldenrod doesn't.)

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Could you please make the Ion cannon?

As much as I'd love to, I'm not doing any modeling myself right now.

It's not that I can't (I most certainly can,) I'm just not set up for it right now, software-wise, and I don't really want to be. I'm trying to keep the clutter down on my system* and right now I'm focused on a project that involves a whole ton of sprite-editing**, so about the only things installed on my PC right now are graphics editing programs. As for working on Kerbal, C7 gave me permission to repaint his space plane parts pack so that's on the things-to-do list.

*OLD SYSTEM IS OLD: 2GHz Northwood P4, 768MB DDR1 RAM, 512MB AGP3 GeForce 6200, onboard USB1.1, 80GB PATA-133 drive. I have a ton of external storage space but the last time I tried a PCI USB2.0 card I got hit with some driver conflict and it would crash the system every time I tried to use it, so transferring things to-and-fro the external drives is about as fast and pleasant as self-dentistry.

**Thousands upon thousands of frames looking something like this. Fun fact: out of that pack of 58 frames, Red Alert only actually used 8. The game had a huge amount of unimplemented content.

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I'm focused on a project that involves a whole ton of sprite-editing**

**Thousands upon thousands of frames looking something like this. Fun fact: out of that pack of 58 frames, Red Alert only actually used 8. The game had a huge amount of unimplemented content.

Mind telling us what project this is? If it's for Red Alert I know I am VERY interested.

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