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Exceeded Licence Count

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Hi All,

I have taken over this program at a school and every time I try to enter a licence it comes up with exceeded the user licence count. 

Now from what I can work out, the program was deployed to a class last year, since then the computers imaged without the Kerbal Space program being uninstalled / licence revoked.

Does anyone have an answer on resetting our licences so we can get it running for a next class or would I need to purchase more licences?



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Hi there,

Let us help you out. Please contact our support team at support@kerbalspaceprogram.com, explain them the problem and share your KSP Store Account email address and your Invoice ID, so that they can identify your purchase. Note that the Invoice ID is NOT the Transaction ID and NOT the Receipt ID.

If the licenses you are talking about are of KerbalEdu (which is probably the case), you'll need to contact our friends from Teaching Gaming: https://kerbaledu.com/help

I hope this helps :)


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