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Requesting Craft For YT Combat Series

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  On 4/7/2019 at 5:29 AM, ZooNamedGames said:

Awesome work, and I'm so glad this hasn't been forgotten. I can't wait to see your Russian fleet. Part counts would be great for all these ships though.

Subs are hard, but if you'll make an aesthetic frame (that can work with BDAc weaponry such as silos and torpedo pods) I'll use mods like Sink Em or whatever it's called and allow it to be a sub that way, if a sub is needed at all.


Ok, remaining things I need-

  • Ground Vehicles (MBTs, SAM vehicles, AA gun vehicles)
  • Structures/Buildings (as crafts)- examples;
    • Radar Stations
    • Fuel Silos
    • Oil Rigs
    • Pillbox
    • etc etc


Once I have that, I should be ready to go.


Thanks :).


I don't have KSP open right now, but if i remember correctly:

Frigates are somewhere around 200-300 parts.

Cruisers are around 300-400 parts.

Fissouri is around 630 parts.

Nimitz is around 600 parts.


Alright, ill get some sub's built then.


Other than the oil-rig, the base building pack should have the rest and the SAM vehicles where included in the first aircraft pack.

Stuff like the MBT's, AA vehicles and others shouldn't take too long as i have a bunch of them already, they just need some editing.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Offshore oil-rig complex "Kerbal Alpha"

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Coming in at 206x174x77m and over 1100 parts, this oil-rig complex is one of the more giant builds i have done, and also one of the more challenging and time consuming ones.

At first i started with a "Deepwater Horizon" style oil-rig. Soon after i started building it, i noticed that the part-count would be colossal, so i started using tweak-scale. I had built quite a lot of it when i decided that i wanted a different style of rig, so i chose the "Sleipner A", a platform operated by Statoil in the Norwegian sector of the North-Sea.

I decided to go all the way with the platform, and also build the Sleipner B and Sleipner T platforms that are connected to it.


I also have the main rig as a separate craft, and the smaller platforms should be quick and easy to turn into their own little separate rigs, as they are built on top of the monoprop tanks, incase the complex is a little too large for your liking. Unfortunately it is impossible for me to do a structural test of the entire complex as it doesn't fit on the runway, nor can i do a flotation test as i don't have hyper-edit or anything like that. But, i can pretty safely say that the rig is likely going to stay afloat just fine, as experience has taught me that as soon as you scale up a part, it's bouyancy tends to immediately reach a level of "literally unsinkable".


And just as a bonus:

Shallow-water Explorer (incomplete)

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My original design that was based on the Deepwater Horizon. If you want, i can finish the build on this one and release it as-well.


I'll release the rig with a future pack, weather it be the Russian fleet or the ground forces.

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  On 4/22/2019 at 1:42 PM, SuperStock said:

im on xbox ksp it will be stock but i shall work on some aircraft and be back


I'm sure your builds will be great but I don't know if you can transfer console builds to PC (which I am). As a result, I don't know if I will be able to utilize your builds.

Also welcome to the forums!

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  • 2 weeks later...


KF-01 Harrier

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Remember when i said that landing on the Nimitz was a bit challenging...well, no need to worry about that anymore.

The harrier has good maneuverability/stability on normal and hover modes, and is quite fast as-well.

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  • 2 weeks later...



KHB-2500 Skyfall




Decided it was time to include something a little bigger and more original to the mix.

In this case a bit of a "what if you took the TU-95 and AN225 and mixed them together" style super-bomber, or doomsday-bomber as i like to call it.


I wanted the bomber to have heavy defensive armaments, and a secondary command/AWACS aircraft capability.

It has a wingspan of over 80m and a length of over 70m.


And don't worry, i plan on removing the turboprops (airplane+) and replacing them with inverted wheesleys on the one i send you...unless of-course you want me to keep them there.


And here are a few more picks of the aircraft

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  On 5/17/2019 at 12:04 PM, kapteenipirk said:



KHB-2500 Skyfall




Decided it was time to include something a little bigger and more original to the mix.

In this case a bit of a "what if you took the TU-95 and AN225 and mixed them together" style super-bomber, or doomsday-bomber as i like to call it.


I wanted the bomber to have heavy defensive armaments, and a secondary command/AWACS aircraft capability.

It has a wingspan of over 80m and a length of over 70m.


And don't worry, i plan on removing the turboprops (airplane+) and replacing them with inverted wheesleys on the one i send you...unless of-course you want me to keep them there.


And here are a few more picks of the aircraft

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Bloody brilliant and an artistic masterpiece as always.

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  • 1 month later...


Air transport wing

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Allied navy expansion

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Our newest arrival to the allied side is Japan, with some naval and air-transportation support.


I figured the series could use some cargo/transport aircraft, so i made a few of them.

Prop powered planes where something i wanted to do since the moment i started this, and this time i couldn't help myself. So, you will need airplane+ to use the transport aircraft.


I mentioned in an earlier post i wanted to build them, and now i built them. The French La fayette and the JMSDF Kongo.

Edited by kapteenipirk
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  • 1 month later...


K.S.S Dreadnought


"Can you feel the Soviet might!!" (Dreadnought from Red alert 3)




The flagship of the Russian fleet is finally here, the K.S.S Dreadnought, a large missile armed battle-cruiser based on the Russian Kirov class.

I think this may be one of my favorite ship builds ever, definitely my favorite from all the ones in this project.


At a little under 700 parts, it's a little more part hungry than the Fissouri on whose hull this built (rear was reshaped).

Armaments should be pretty comparable to the Fissouri: same amount of CIWS's and cruise-missiles, 4 Jernas systems (8 missiles per system) and a couple Millenium cannons instead of 6 Abrams turrets and a Patriot system (16 missiles per system).

That makes the Dreadnought a little more adept at AA compared to the Fissouri.


List of Russian ships to come:

Sovermenniy class

Kievari class

Kara class

Tarantul class

Mirka class

Krivak class

Kapusta class

Shershen class


The list might change, but i doubt it.


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Some more jets


KF-17 Desert Fox


A low altitude ground-attack aircraft with 30mm cannons and rockets.


KF-21 Desert Wolf


High altitude high-speed interceptor cousin of the Desert Fox, armed with a 20mm cannon and 4 short-range missiles.


KF-15 Desert Fury


A rather small and rather old fighter that's now used as a bomber. Has a couple 50.cal's and 4 unguided bombs.


I was supposed to start another paper-model project today, but since i had such little time left, i decided to instead give you the some older Russian jets to start a GLA (C&C Generals) style middle-eastern faction if you you ever feel the need for one.

If not, you can always put them under "Russian emergency reserves", or something along those lines.


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Air transport wing redo





As promised, here is the Skyfall and all the transport aircraft without all the Airplane+ engines/cockpits. Instead they now all have the same stock engine with a six-bladed fixed-pitch propeller on it.

I also included the old Russian jet's in there as-well. So that's 9 more craft's for you to have fun with while i work on the Russian fleet.

Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7mc94quxofgg6xz/KDI stuff III.zip?dl=0

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  • 1 month later...


KHB-20 Vulcan





Still way too busy to build anything in a real capacity, but still felt i had to squeeze at-least something out.

So, presenting the mighty tin triangle...well, not so mighty as it turns out as unfortunately the overall performance of this aircraft is pretty poor.

Even with 4 "goliath" and 8 "whiplash" engines, the top speed is only about 100m/s and the service ceiling is under 2000m, oh and it also loses altitude when turning.

So, some work needs to be done before release.

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  • 3 months later...


Russian light-fleet





Its been too long, but here they finally are, Some more Russian ships. Included in this pack are:

Mirka class frigate. Armed with a couple rocket-turrets and a couple millenium's. It is the smallest Russian ship to have a search-radar. Should be perfect for recon missions.

Tarantul class missile-corvette. Armed with a millenium, a couple 30mm cannons and 4 cruise-missiles. Pretty much the perfect big-ship killer.

Shershen class torpedo-boat. Armed with a couple twin 30mm cannons and 4 torpedoes. Can be used to protect larger ships by providing extra AA/CIWS capability.


Part-counts for these are somewhere around 180-220.


With the addition of making these new ships, im propably gonna go trough all the previous ships and do a few mods to them.

I plan on building some more small ships for the allied side of things as-well as there's really only one i built, and it's honestly a bit poor. Im propably gonna build a couple frigates and a couple corvettes/gun-boats.

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  • 2 weeks later...


KMBT-200 Leopard





My idea for the perfect Main Battle Tank based on the German Leopard.

I tried making the Leopard as much like a real MBT as possible by giving the thing not only a realistic look but also more or less realistic spaced-armor and realistic placement of modules.




The front-armor is 2 layers of spaced structural plates. the front-side armor is also strengthened with I-beam armor and double-layered front-skirts. Dunno if the grip-strips are durable or not, but you'd think so given their function.

You can find the engine, "radiators",  "transmission", magazine, "fuel-tank" protected by internal-armor, and the drivers-seat.



(i switched the gunners position to the top-hatch)

The turrets features even more armor.

In the turret you can find the second magazine, the "radio-station", main-gun, optics, defensive machine-gun, smoke-launchers and the commanders and gunners positions.

I tried to make sure that the lowest layer of spaced armor is the one the rest of the parts attach to, so it actually gives extra protection.


Before i forget, Q and E are used to rotate the turret.

Edited by kapteenipirk
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