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Ksp 1.6.1 launching malfuntion (MODDED)

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KSP: 1.6.1 Windows 7 64bit

Problem: modded game will not launch completly and crash

Mods installed:


Airplane Plus


Module Manager 4.0.1

Reproduction steps:

Start the game and it crashes mid way though the loading screen




Kerbal Space Program [version: Unity 2017.1.3p1 (02d73f71d3bd)]

mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module mono.dll at 0033:d8ed1504.

Error occurred at 2019-02-28_162238.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe, run by Lego8_bit.
83% memory in use.
8192 MB physical memory [1387 MB free].
24190 MB paging file [16315 MB free].
8388608 MB user address space [8386757 MB free].
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.

RDI:    0x41f91ac0  RSI: 0x0b8f6080  RAX:   0x00000000
RBX:    0x00000007  RCX: 0xfffffff0  RDX:   0x00000077
RIP:    0xd8ed1504  RBP: 0x0026da90  SegCs: 0x00000033
EFlags: 0x00010202  RSP: 0x0026d990  SegSs: 0x0000002b
R8:    0x07fdbd6c  R9: 0x0026db08  R10:   0x0000000d
R11:    0x0026d920  R12: 0x41f91ac0  R13:   0x00000053
R14:    0x3bdd6900  R15: 0x00000001

Bytes at CS:EIP:
48 8b 10 48 8b ce 48 8b d8 e8 12 f7 ff ff 48 8b

0x0026d990: 00000007 00000000 0026da90 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026d9a0: 0b8f6080 00000000 41f91ac0 00000000 .`.........A....
0x0026d9b0: 0026d9c0 00000000 00000001 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026d9c0: 00000000 00000000 7715178a 00000000 ...........w....
0x0026d9d0: 0b8f6080 00000000 00000001 00000000 .`..............
0x0026d9e0: 0a000014 00000000 429f9d00 00000000 ...........B....
0x0026d9f0: 0b65a228 00000000 d8fa33e8 000007fe (.e......3......
0x0026da00: 0b8f6080 00000000 0026da70 00000000 .`......p.&.....
0x0026da10: 0b65a228 00000000 d8e4232d 000007fe (.e.....-#......
0x0026da20: 00000000 00000000 d8e475f4 000007fe .........u......
0x0026da30: 42976908 00000000 00000001 00000000 .i.B............
0x0026da40: 0b8f6080 00000000 429f9d00 00000000 .`.........B....
0x0026da50: 00000001 00000000 d8e4228b 000007fe ........."......
0x0026da60: 04613920 00000000 002ebc50 00000000  9a.....P.......
0x0026da70: 42976918 00000000 429768f0 00000000 .i.B.....h.B....
0x0026da80: 0b624100 00000000 d8e622df 000007fe .Ab......"......
0x0026da90: 3c9af600 00000000 d8e67b0d 000007fe ...<.....{......
0x0026daa0: 00000030 00000000 04613920 00000000 0....... 9a.....
0x0026dab0: 5ab40ce1 0000cfa6 00000000 00000000 ...Z............
0x0026dac0: 3eba46e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .F.>............
0x0026dad0: 0b65a2b0 00000000 3c9af600 00000000 ..e........<....
0x0026dae0: 429768f0 00000000 42976900 00000000 .h.B.....i.B....
0x0026daf0: 00000000 00000000 d8ed1e0f 000007fe ................
0x0026db00: 0b8f6080 00000000 07fdbd6c 00000000 .`......l.......
0x0026db10: 07fdbd2a 00000000 0b624100 00000000 *........Ab.....
0x0026db20: 0026e460 00000000 00000001 00000000 `.&.............
0x0026db30: 0026e568 00000000 d8ed5a76 000007fe h.&.....vZ......
0x0026db40: 429768f0 00000000 0026dc40 00000000 .h.B....@.&.....
0x0026db50: 00000000 00000000 0b65a2b0 00000000 ..........e.....
0x0026db60: 3cf07c40 00000000 d8e84282 000007fe @|.<.....B......
0x0026db70: 3eba46e0 00000000 0026ea18 00000000 .F.>......&.....
0x0026db80: 045e7970 00000000 0026dc30 00000000 py^.....0.&.....
0x0026db90: 00000074 00000000 42204940 00000000 t.......@I B....
0x0026dba0: 42204940 00000000 04b0a341 00000000 @I B....A.......
0x0026dbb0: 0026e568 00000000 00000000 00000000 h.&.............
0x0026dbc0: 00000000 00000000 3eba46e0 00000000 .........F.>....
0x0026dbd0: 00000000 00000000 0026ea18 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026dbe0: 045e7970 00000000 04af1047 00000000 py^.....G.......
0x0026dbf0: 3eba4500 00000000 42204940 00000000 .E.>....@I B....
0x0026dc00: 0026dc40 00000000 0026dbb0 00000000 @.&.......&.....
0x0026dc10: 0026e568 00000000 00000001 00000000 h.&.............
0x0026dc20: 0026e460 00000000 3eba46e0 00000000 `.&......F.>....
0x0026dc30: 3eba46e0 00000000 3cf07c40 00000000 .F.>....@|.<....
0x0026dc40: 0026dca0 00000000 04b0a1f1 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026dc50: 00000000 00000000 02354d48 00000000 ........HM5.....
0x0026dc60: 04e5d350 00000000 35fe0338 00000000 P.......8..5....
0x0026dc70: 04654ff0 00000000 3eba46e0 00000000 .Oe......F.>....
0x0026dc80: 0026e460 00000000 00000001 00000000 `.&.............
0x0026dc90: 3d855960 00000000 3ad54aa0 00000000 `Y.=.....J.:....
0x0026dca0: 0026dd90 00000000 04b098b1 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026dcb0: 00000074 00000000 00000000 00000000 t...............
0x0026dcc0: 3c32fe00 00000000 0026e568 00000000 ..2<....h.&.....
0x0026dcd0: 00000000 00000000 3c32fe00 00000000 ..........2<....
0x0026dce0: 0026dd90 00000000 00000001 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026dcf0: 3cf07c40 00000000 3eba46e0 00000000 @|.<.....F.>....
0x0026dd00: 42204940 00000000 00000000 00000000 @I B............
0x0026dd10: 3c32fe00 00000000 d8f9cf50 000007fe ..2<....P.......
0x0026dd20: 3dbbf2a0 00000000 0026ea18 00000000 ...=......&.....
0x0026dd30: 045e7970 00000000 00000000 00000000 py^.............
0x0026dd40: 00000001 00000000 42204940 00000000 ........@I B....
0x0026dd50: 0026dd90 00000000 3eba46e0 00000000 ..&......F.>....
0x0026dd60: 0026e460 00000000 00000001 00000000 `.&.............
0x0026dd70: 0026e568 00000000 3d855960 00000000 h.&.....`Y.=....
0x0026dd80: 3ad54aa0 00000000 42204940 00000000 .J.:....@I B....
0x0026dd90: 0026dde0 00000000 59290e2e 00000000 ..&.......)Y....
0x0026dda0: 0026dde0 00000000 0026dd50 00000000 ..&.....P.&.....
0x0026ddb0: 0026e568 00000000 00000001 00000000 h.&.............
0x0026ddc0: 3c32fe00 00000000 00000001 00000000 ..2<............
0x0026ddd0: 3cf07c40 00000000 3eba46e0 00000000 @|.<.....F.>....
0x0026dde0: 0026de80 00000000 59290b91 00000000 ..&.......)Y....
0x0026ddf0: 42204940 00000000 0026de80 00000000 @I B......&.....
0x0026de00: 42916878 00000000 0026e568 00000000 xh.B....h.&.....
0x0026de10: 0026de80 00000000 3dbbf300 00000000 ..&........=....
0x0026de20: 3dbbf2c0 00000000 02354d48 00000000 ...=....HM5.....
0x0026de30: 00000091 00000000 42204940 00000000 ........@I B....
0x0026de40: 0026de80 00000000 3bdd6940 00000000 ..&.....@i.;....
0x0026de50: 0026e460 00000000 00000001 00000000 `.&.............
0x0026de60: 0026e568 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 h.&.....8..=....
0x0026de70: 3c32fe00 00000000 42204940 00000000 ..2<....@I B....
0x0026de80: 0026ded0 00000000 592909c2 00000000 ..&.......)Y....
0x0026de90: 00000014 00000000 0026ea18 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026dea0: 045e7970 00000000 0026ea18 00000000 py^.......&.....
0x0026deb0: 3d855960 00000000 00000000 00000000 `Y.=............
0x0026dec0: 0026df20 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000  .&.....8..=....
0x0026ded0: 0026df60 00000000 5929063a 00000000 `.&.....:.)Y....
0x0026dee0: 42204940 00000000 3c32fe00 00000000 @I B......2<....
0x0026def0: 0b659d08 00000000 3bdd6940 00000000 ..e.....@i.;....
0x0026df00: 0026e460 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 `.&.....8..=....
0x0026df10: 3bdd6940 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 @i.;....8..=....
0x0026df20: 0026df60 00000000 3bdd6940 00000000 `.&.....@i.;....
0x0026df30: 0026e460 00000000 00000001 00000000 `.&.............
0x0026df40: 0026e568 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 h.&.....8..=....
0x0026df50: 3dc1b138 00000000 42204940 00000000 8..=....@I B....
0x0026df60: 0026dfc0 00000000 592904f2 00000000 ..&.......)Y....
0x0026df70: 0026dfe0 00000000 42204940 00000000 ..&.....@I B....
0x0026df80: 0026dfc0 00000000 0026df30 00000000 ..&.....0.&.....
0x0026df90: 3bdd6940 00000000 02354d48 00000000 @i.;....HM5.....
0x0026dfa0: 00000000 00000000 02354d48 00000000 ........HM5.....
0x0026dfb0: 0b659d08 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 ..e.....8..=....
0x0026dfc0: 0026e030 00000000 5929bc9d 00000000 0.&.......)Y....
0x0026dfd0: 0b659d08 00000000 3c32fe00 00000000 ..e.......2<....
0x0026dfe0: 0026e030 00000000 5929b934 00000000 0.&.....4.)Y....
0x0026dff0: 00000000 00000000 3d0be000 00000000 ...........=....
0x0026e000: 3bdd6940 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 @i.;....8..=....
0x0026e010: 3da6f1f8 00000000 3da6f1f8 00000000 ...=.......=....
0x0026e020: 429066e8 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 .f.B....8..=....
0x0026e030: 0026e080 00000000 5929b722 00000000 ..&.....".)Y....
0x0026e040: 00000010 00000000 41e4db38 00000000 ........8..A....
0x0026e050: 002e0298 00000000 77377b14 00000000 .........{7w....
0x0026e060: 00000007 00000000 00000010 00000000 ................
0x0026e070: 004e078b 00000077 04af7560 00000000 ..N.w...`u......
0x0026e080: 0026e110 00000000 04af75cb 00000000 ..&......u......
0x0026e090: 04623770 00000000 02354d48 00000000 p7b.....HM5.....
0x0026e0a0: 00000000 00000000 d8e4232d 000007fe ........-#......
0x0026e0b0: 41e4db38 00000000 5929b6c0 00000000 8..A......)Y....
0x0026e0c0: 0026e568 00000000 d8f5fbc4 000007fe h.&.............
0x0026e0d0: 3dc1b138 00000000 00000000 00000000 8..=............
0x0026e0e0: 00000000 00000000 d8e4228b 000007fe ........."......
0x0026e0f0: 0b659d08 00000000 0b659d08 00000000 ..e.......e.....
0x0026e100: 04af7560 00000000 0026e150 00000000 `u......P.&.....
0x0026e110: 0026e150 00000000 d8f6601f 000007fe P.&......`......
0x0026e120: 42204940 00000000 00000000 00000000 @I B............
0x0026e130: 42204940 00000000 0b659d08 00000000 @I B......e.....
0x0026e140: 0b6598b8 00000000 592b8caa 00000000 ..e.......+Y....
0x0026e150: 02354d48 00000000 d8f9cf50 000007fe HM5.....P.......
0x0026e160: 3dbbf320 00000000 42204940 00000000  ..=....@I B....
0x0026e170: 045f8bd0 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 .._.....8..=....
0x0026e180: 0026e568 00000000 0026e460 00000000 h.&.....`.&.....
0x0026e190: 42207440 00000000 0026e220 00000000 @t B.... .&.....
0x0026e1a0: 0d166af0 00000000 0026e740 00000000 .j......@.&.....
0x0026e1b0: 3d855990 00000000 0026ea18 00000000 .Y.=......&.....
0x0026e1c0: 045e7970 00000000 00000000 00000000 py^.............
0x0026e1d0: 02354d48 00000000 04b0b155 00000000 HM5.....U.......
0x0026e1e0: 0026e220 00000000 04b0d2ab 00000000  .&.............
0x0026e1f0: 0026e740 00000000 02354d48 00000000 @.&.....HM5.....
0x0026e200: 00000000 00000000 0026ea18 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026e210: 045e7970 00000000 3dbbf320 00000000 py^..... ..=....
0x0026e220: 0026e270 00000000 42207440 00000000 p.&.....@t B....
0x0026e230: 0026e270 00000000 0026e1e0 00000000 p.&.......&.....
0x0026e240: 0026e740 00000000 02354d48 00000000 @.&.....HM5.....
0x0026e250: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e260: 41e4db38 00000000 0026e400 00000000 8..A......&.....
0x0026e270: 0026e568 00000000 0026e660 00000000 h.&.....`.&.....
0x0026e280: 0026e350 00000000 40644d1d 00000001 P.&......Md@....
0x0026e290: 5ab437d1 0000cfa6 0026e400 00000000 .7.Z......&.....
0x0026e2a0: 0026e568 00000000 00000000 00000000 h.&.............
0x0026e2b0: 69bfd910 00000000 0026e948 00000000 ...i....H.&.....
0x0026e2c0: 41368010 00000001 0026e568 00000000 ..6A....h.&.....
0x0026e2d0: 0026e460 00000000 0b659d08 00000000 `.&.......e.....
0x0026e2e0: 3dc1b138 00000000 d8eb8791 000007fe 8..=............
0x0026e2f0: 0026e568 00000000 0026e660 00000000 h.&.....`.&.....
0x0026e300: 0026e400 00000000 40641e64 00000001 ..&.....d.d@....
0x0026e310: 3dc1b138 00000000 40645424 00000001 8..=....$Td@....
0x0026e320: 0b659d08 00000000 0026e660 00000000 ..e.....`.&.....
0x0026e330: 0026e3a0 00000000 592b8b70 00000000 ..&.....p.+Y....
0x0026e340: 0026e400 00000000 4064067a 00000001 ..&.....z.d@....
0x0026e350: 0026e570 00000000 0026e568 00000000 p.&.....h.&.....
0x0026e360: 00000000 00000000 d8e4228b 000007fe ........."......
0x0026e370: 0026e568 00000000 41067200 00000001 h.&......r.A....
0x0026e380: 0b659d08 00000000 41067201 00000001 ..e......r.A....
0x0026e390: 0026e400 00000000 40641fce 00000001 ..&.......d@....
0x0026e3a0: 0026e400 00000000 0026e570 00000000 ..&.....p.&.....
0x0026e3b0: 0026e568 00000000 41067201 00000001 h.&......r.A....
0x0026e3c0: 00000000 00000000 404b3502 00000001 .........5K@....
0x0026e3d0: 69bff5a0 00000000 0026e580 00000000 ...i......&.....
0x0026e3e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e3f0: 0b659d08 00000000 41067201 00000001 ..e......r.A....
0x0026e400: 0026e740 00000000 00000000 00000000 @.&.............
0x0026e410: 35fe0338 00000000 d8e6352a 000007fe 8..5....*5......
0x0026e420: 00000000 00000000 d8ec6cf1 000007fe .........l......
0x0026e430: 002e0298 00000000 d8ec6cf1 000007fe .........l......
0x0026e440: 0026e860 00000000 0026e948 00000000 `.&.....H.&.....
0x0026e450: 00000000 00000000 d8e42af8 000007fe .........*......
0x0026e460: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e470: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e480: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e490: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e4a0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e4b0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e4c0: 35fe0400 00000000 02354d48 00000000 ...5....HM5.....
0x0026e4d0: 02354d48 00000000 d8ec70f4 000007fe HM5......p......
0x0026e4e0: 3c32fe00 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..2<............
0x0026e4f0: 00000000 00000000 0b659d08 00000000 ..........e.....
0x0026e500: 41067201 00000001 3dc1b138 00000000 .r.A....8..=....
0x0026e510: 00000000 00000000 fffeec90 00000000 ................
0x0026e520: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026e530: 41e4db00 00000000 00260101 00000000 ...A......&.....
0x0026e540: 69bff5a0 00000000 0026e7c0 00000000 ...i......&.....
0x0026e550: 69bff5a0 00000000 404b40a5 00000001 ...i.....@K@....
0x0026e560: 3dc1b138 00000000 00000000 00000000 8..=............
0x0026e570: 00000000 00000000 07fcf013 00000000 ................
0x0026e580: 0b659d08 00000000 41067201 00000001 ..e......r.A....
0x0026e590: 3dc1b138 00000000 404c3f50 00000001 8..=....P?L@....
0x0026e5a0: 41e4db38 00000000 00000000 00000000 8..A............
0x0026e5b0: 410ca13a 00000001 3dc1b138 00000000 :..A....8..=....
0x0026e5c0: 00000000 00000001 69bff5b8 00000000 ...........i....
0x0026e5d0: 69bff5a0 00000000 40142752 00000001 ...i....R'.@....
0x0026e5e0: 3dc1b138 00000000 3dc1b138 00000000 8..=....8..=....
0x0026e5f0: 42937e50 00000000 d8ebba36 000007fe P~.B....6.......
0x0026e600: 0026e670 00000000 40634ce6 00000001 p.&......Lc@....
0x0026e610: 69bfd910 00000000 0026e948 00000000 ...i....H.&.....
0x0026e620: 41368010 00000001 0026e740 00000000 ..6A....@.&.....
0x0026e630: 69bff5a0 00000000 40645984 00000001 ...i.....Yd@....
0x0026e640: 3dc1b138 00000000 0026e6b0 00000000 8..=......&.....
0x0026e650: 41e4d9e0 00000000 0026e6d9 00000000 ...A......&.....
0x0026e660: 00000000 00000000 404bf21c 00000001 ..........K@....
0x0026e670: 3dc1b138 00000000 35fe0338 00000000 8..=....8..5....
0x0026e680: 00000000 00000000 69bff5a0 00000000 ...........i....
0x0026e690: 0026e7c0 00000000 02757f80 00000000 ..&.......u.....
0x0026e6a0: 00019a1f 00000000 400fb909 00000001 ...........@....
0x0026e6b0: 3dc1b138 00000000 69bfe850 00000000 8..=....P..i....
0x0026e6c0: 0026e7c0 00000000 02757f80 00000000 ..&.......u.....
0x0026e6d0: 823d1503 4046912c 00000000 00000000 ..=.,.F@........
0x0026e6e0: 69bfe850 00000000 404bef78 00000001 P..i....x.K@....
0x0026e6f0: 3dc1b138 00000000 69bff5a0 00000000 8..=.......i....
0x0026e700: 69bff5a0 00000000 69bff5a0 00000000 ...i.......i....
0x0026e710: 02757f80 00000000 69bff5a0 00000000 ..u........i....
0x0026e720: 0026e7c0 00000000 35fe0338 00000000 ..&.....8..5....
0x0026e730: 69bff5a0 00000000 404bf4fa 00000001 ...i......K@....
0x0026e740: 3dc1b138 00000000 35fe0338 00000000 8..=....8..5....
0x0026e750: 00000000 00000000 4047ec59 00000001 ........Y.G@....
0x0026e760: 00000000 00000000 40485ad9 00000001 .........ZH@....
0x0026e770: 69bff5a0 00000000 69bfe850 00000000 ...i....P..i....
0x0026e780: 00000000 00000000 fffeec90 00000000 ................
0x0026e790: 0026e948 00000000 41368010 00000001 H.&.......6A....
0x0026e7a0: 00000000 00000000 41368010 00000001 ..........6A....
0x0026e7b0: 00000000 00000000 40485cfc 00000001 .........\H@....
0x0026e7c0: fffeec92 00000000 00000008 00000000 ................
0x0026e7d0: 69bfd910 00000000 3a275da4 00000000 ...i.....]':....
0x0026e7e0: 028f5d70 00000000 00726574 00000001 p]......ter.....
0x0026e7f0: 00000000 00000000 404c0399 00000001 ..........L@....
0x0026e800: fffffffe ffffffff 35fe0338 00000000 ........8..5....
0x0026e810: 00000000 00000000 0026e899 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026e820: 35fe0338 00000000 4048cc18 00000001 8..5......H@....
0x0026e830: 00000000 00000000 41369310 00000001 ..........6A....
0x0026e840: 35fe0338 00000000 0026e880 00000000 8..5......&.....
0x0026e850: 0026e8a0 00000000 0026e948 00000000 ..&.....H.&.....
0x0026e860: 02c50060 00000000 00000001 00000000 `...............
0x0026e870: 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................
0x0026e880: 02c50080 00000000 00000001 00000001 ................
0x0026e890: 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................
0x0026e8a0: 00000000 00000000 0026e900 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026e8b0: 35fe0338 00000000 00000000 00000000 8..5............
0x0026e8c0: 00000042 00000000 35fe0338 00000000 B.......8..5....
0x0026e8d0: 69bfd910 00000000 3d0be000 00000000 ...i.......=....
0x0026e8e0: 3d0b5d20 00000000 fffeeca0 00000000  ].=............
0x0026e8f0: 0026e959 00000000 40239c26 00000001 Y.&.....&.#@....
0x0026e900: 00000000 00000000 0026e9f0 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026e910: 35fe0338 00000000 04af7bf0 00000000 8..5.....{......
0x0026e920: 3c7a5f50 00000000 02359160 00000000 P_z<....`.5.....
0x0026e930: 3c821a48 00000000 3c7a5f50 00000000 H..<....P_z<....
0x0026e940: 35fe0338 00000000 00000000 00000000 8..5............
0x0026e950: 0026e900 00000000 04b677c3 00000000 ..&......w......
0x0026e960: 00000000 00000000 00000042 00000000 ........B.......
0x0026e970: 3aad4c60 00000000 3aad4c60 00000000 `L.:....`L.:....
0x0026e980: 3c821a48 00000000 02372f30 00000000 H..<....0/7.....
0x0026e990: 3c7a5f50 00000000 3cdabcc0 00000000 P_z<.......<....
0x0026e9a0: 3b470cc0 00000000 3c32fe00 00000000 ..G;......2<....
0x0026e9b0: 0026ea80 00000000 408048bf 00000001 ..&......H.@....
0x0026e9c0: 3d86cea0 00000000 3c32fe00 00000000 ...=......2<....
0x0026e9d0: 35872d80 00000000 37b22d40 00000000 .-.5....@-.7....
0x0026e9e0: 37b22d40 00000000 04b49bab 00000000 @-.7............
0x0026e9f0: 3c7a5f50 00000000 407ff4f0 00000001 P_z<.......@....
0x0026ea00: 00000003 00000009 3d86cea0 00000000 ...........=....
0x0026ea10: 35872d80 00000000 002e1c70 00000000 .-.5....p.......
0x0026ea20: 045e7970 00000000 04b4b155 00000000 py^.....U.......
0x0026ea30: 3d86cea0 00000000 35872d80 00000000 ...=.....-.5....
0x0026ea40: 0026ea80 00000000 0026e9f0 00000000 ..&.......&.....
0x0026ea50: 3b470cc0 00000000 3c32fe00 00000000 ..G;......2<....
0x0026ea60: 3d0b5d20 00000000 3d0be000 00000000  ].=.......=....
0x0026ea70: 3c7a5f50 00000000 3d0be000 00000000 P_z<.......=....
0x0026ea80: 0026eac0 00000000 04b49af5 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026ea90: 3b470cc0 00000000 3c32fe00 00000000 ..G;......2<....
0x0026eaa0: 3d0b5d20 00000000 3d0be000 00000000  ].=.......=....
0x0026eab0: 3c32fe00 00000000 3d86cea0 00000000 ..2<.......=....
0x0026eac0: 0026eb20 00000000 5929b2d5 00000000  .&.......)Y....
0x0026ead0: 3c747af0 00000000 3d0be000 00000000 .zt<.......=....
0x0026eae0: 0026eb20 00000000 04b67362 00000000  .&.....bs......
0x0026eaf0: 00000000 00000000 3bde20a0 00000000 ......... .;....
0x0026eb00: 00000000 00000000 3d0b5d20 00000000 ........ ].=....
0x0026eb10: 02354d48 00000000 3c747af0 00000000 HM5......zt<....
0x0026eb20: 0026eb80 00000000 5929b159 00000000 ..&.....Y.)Y....
0x0026eb30: 02354d48 00000000 00000000 00000000 HM5.............
0x0026eb40: 3c654ec4 00000000 04ae2e55 00000000 .Ne<....U.......
0x0026eb50: 3db7a5c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...=............
0x0026eb60: 3d0be000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...=............
0x0026eb70: 3d0b5d20 00000000 3c751f78 00000000  ].=....x.u<....
0x0026eb80: 0026ee30 00000000 5928b826 00000000 0.&.....&.(Y....
0x0026eb90: 0026eca0 00000000 04b059af 00000000 ..&......Y......
0x0026eba0: 00000000 bf800000 00000000 000007fe ................
0x0026ebb0: 0000000c 00000000 d8f964b9 000007fe .........d......
0x0026ebc0: 3b470cc0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..G;............
0x0026ebd0: 00000000 00000000 3b470cc0 00000000 ..........G;....
0x0026ebe0: 00000000 bff00000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ebf0: 3b67aae0 00000000 3b470cc0 00000000 ..g;......G;....
0x0026ec00: 3c747c40 00000000 3dbbbc60 00000000 @|t<....`..=....
0x0026ec10: 37aedf00 00000000 002e1c70 00000000 ...7....p.......
0x0026ec20: 00000000 00000000 3c654eb0 00000000 .........Ne<....
0x0026ec30: 00000004 00000003 3c747af0 00000000 .........zt<....
0x0026ec40: 00000074 00000000 0236a840 00000000 t.......@.6.....
0x0026ec50: 0026f8d0 00000000 002e1c70 00000000 ..&.....p.......
0x0026ec60: 00000000 00000000 d8eb926d 00000000 ........m.......
0x0026ec70: 3c232d50 00000000 00000011 00000011 P-#<............
0x0026ec80: 3c654c08 00000000 3d86cea0 00000000 .Le<.......=....
0x0026ec90: 0026f8d0 3f800000 3bf2ca00 00000000 ..&....?...;....
0x0026eca0: 3c654cd0 00000000 3c2302d0 00000000 .Le<......#<....
0x0026ecb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ecc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ecd0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ece0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ecf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ed00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 bf800000 ................
0x0026ed10: 00000000 00000000 02354d48 00000000 ........HM5.....
0x0026ed20: 35872d80 00000000 3ace4230 00000000 .-.5....0B.:....
0x0026ed30: 3c6f7828 00000000 00000000 00000000 (xo<............
0x0026ed40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ed50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 bf800000 ................
0x0026ed60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 bf800000 ................
0x0026ed70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ed80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 bf800000 ................
0x0026ed90: 00000000 00000000 04b673fd 00000000 .........s......
0x0026eda0: 3c2302e4 00000000 5c1fa794 00000000 ..#<.......\....
0x0026edb0: 0236a854 00000000 5c1fa794 00000000 T.6........\....
0x0026edc0: 35872d80 00000000 0026f8a0 00000000 .-.5......&.....
0x0026edd0: 3c8d48c0 00000000 0026f8d0 00000000 .H.<......&.....
0x0026ede0: 02354d48 00000000 00000000 00000000 HM5.............
0x0026edf0: 3c2302e4 3f800000 00000000 00000000 ..#<...?........
0x0026ee00: 0026f7b0 00000000 02354d48 00000000 ..&.....HM5.....
0x0026ee10: 0026f8d0 00000000 3c8d48c0 00000000 ..&......H.<....
0x0026ee20: 0026f8a0 00000000 35872d80 00000000 ..&......-.5....
0x0026ee30: 0026f3a0 00000000 59288960 00000000 ..&.....`.(Y....
0x0026ee40: 0026f040 00000000 00000000 00000000 @.&.............
0x0026ee50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ee60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ee70: 37aedf00 00000000 3c8d48c0 00000000 ...7.....H.<....
0x0026ee80: 00000000 bf666800 00000000 00000000 .....hf.........
0x0026ee90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026eea0: 3d6e4aa0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .Jn=............
0x0026eeb0: 3742cc30 00000000 0026f900 00000000 0.B7......&.....
0x0026eec0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026eed0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026eee0: 0026f068 00000000 35872d80 00000000 h.&......-.5....
0x0026eef0: 41100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...A............
0x0026ef00: 00000000 00000000 04b2a37c 00000000 ........|.......
0x0026ef10: 00000000 00000000 002e1c70 00000000 ........p.......
0x0026ef20: 045e7970 00000000 00000000 00000000 py^.............
0x0026ef30: 3f000000 00000000 35872d80 00000000 ...?.....-.5....
0x0026ef40: 0026ef80 00000000 0026eee0 00000000 ..&.......&.....
0x0026ef50: 0026f900 00000000 3742cc30 00000000 ..&.....0.B7....
0x0026ef60: 00000000 00000000 3d6e4aa0 00000000 .........Jn=....
0x0026ef70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026ef80: 0026f0a0 00000000 04ae64e6 00000000 ..&......d......
0x0026ef90: 4381ad20 41900000 00000000 42b60000  ..C...A.......B
0x0026efa0: 00000000 00000000 4301ad20 41100000 ........ ..C...A
0x0026efb0: 00000000 00000000 3c0bccb0 00000000 ...........<....
0x0026efc0: 0026f130 00000000 1d26699a 00000000 0.&......i&.....
0x0026efd0: 0026f130 00000000 1d26693c 00000000 0.&.....<i&.....
0x0026efe0: 4479c000 00000000 1d2667b4 00000000 ..yD.....g&.....
0x0026eff0: 3eddc900 00000000 00000000 80000000 ...>............
0x0026f000: 3d6e4aa0 00000000 d8f96570 000007fe .Jn=....pe......
0x0026f010: 3d6e4aa0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .Jn=............
0x0026f020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f030: 0026f900 00000000 d8eba6c4 000007fe ..&.............
0x0026f040: 35872d80 00000000 002e1c70 00000000 .-.5....p.......
0x0026f050: 045e7970 00000000 3eddc900 00000000 py^........>....
0x0026f060: 0d166850 00000000 3742cc30 00000000 Ph......0.B7....
0x0026f070: 3d6e4aa0 00000000 02354d48 00000000 .Jn=....HM5.....
0x0026f080: 0026f900 00000000 3d6e4aa0 00000000 ..&......Jn=....
0x0026f090: 00000004 00000000 35872d80 00000000 .........-.5....
0x0026f0a0: 0026f100 00000000 04afbe4d 00000000 ..&.....M.......
0x0026f0b0: 0026f100 00000000 04afbe22 00000000 ..&.....".......
0x0026f0c0: 0026f100 00000000 0026f070 00000000 ..&.....p.&.....
0x0026f0d0: 00000000 00000000 02354d48 00000000 ........HM5.....
0x0026f0e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f0f0: 3db57270 00000000 00000000 00000000 pr.=............
0x0026f100: 0026f160 00000000 04b0f112 00000000 `.&.............
0x0026f110: 00000001 00000000 3ea1d668 00000000 ........h..>....
0x0026f120: 045e7970 00000000 04ae2e55 00000000 py^.....U.......
0x0026f130: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f140: 35821d30 00000000 00000000 00000000 0..5............
0x0026f150: 0026f7e0 00000000 00000004 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026f160: 0026f1b0 00000000 04b0f003 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026f170: 00000000 00000000 04ae2e55 00000000 ........U.......
0x0026f180: 0026f1c0 00000000 04bc5a05 00000000 ..&......Z......
0x0026f190: 00000004 00000000 3c747c40 00000000 ........@|t<....
0x0026f1a0: 3c747c40 00000000 3d9c28c0 00000000 @|t<.....(.=....
0x0026f1b0: 0026f200 00000000 04b0ef2b 00000000 ..&.....+.......
0x0026f1c0: 0026f200 00000000 04ae2e55 00000000 ..&.....U.......
0x0026f1d0: c38f0000 00000000 1d21ad10 00000000 ..........!.....
0x0026f1e0: 0026f260 00000000 3db57270 00000000 `.&.....pr.=....
0x0026f1f0: 3db57260 00000000 00000001 00000000 `r.=............
0x0026f200: 0026f250 00000000 20000000 4050ca72 P.&........ r.P@
0x0026f210: 00000000 00000000 04b67362 00000000 ........bs......
0x0026f220: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f230: 0026f7e0 00000000 02354d48 00000000 ..&.....HM5.....
0x0026f240: 3d9c28c0 00000000 3d9c2888 00000000 .(.=.....(.=....
0x0026f250: 0026f2a0 00000000 04b0ed77 00000000 ..&.....w.......
0x0026f260: 3d6a8000 00000000 35872d80 00000000 ..j=.....-.5....
0x0026f270: 0026f2c0 00000000 592a9eb2 00000000 ..&.......*Y....
0x0026f280: 00000000 3ff00000 3d9c2888 00000000 .......?.(.=....
0x0026f290: 3db57260 00000000 3d9c28c0 00000000 `r.=.....(.=....
0x0026f2a0: 0026f2e0 00000000 04b65fd2 00000000 ..&......_......
0x0026f2b0: 37aedf00 00000000 3dbbbc60 00000000 ...7....`..=....
0x0026f2c0: 3dbbbc60 00000000 37aedf00 00000000 `..=.......7....
0x0026f2d0: 3c8d48c0 00000000 3c2302d0 00000000 .H.<......#<....
0x0026f2e0: 3c747c40 00000000 3c747c40 00000000 @|t<....@|t<....
0x0026f2f0: 3dbbbc60 00000000 37aedf00 00000000 `..=.......7....
0x0026f300: 5c1fa780 00000000 3d931540 00000000 ...\....@..=....
0x0026f310: 5c1fa900 00000000 00000001 00000000 ...\............
0x0026f320: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f330: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f340: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f350: 00000000 00000000 0d0a6ce0 00000000 .........l......
0x0026f360: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f370: 3c2302d0 00000000 592a9b06 00000000 ..#<......*Y....
0x0026f380: 045e7970 00000000 00000003 00000000 py^.............
0x0026f390: 00000000 00000000 361f9360 00000000 ........`..6....
0x0026f3a0: 0026f400 00000000 04bc7319 00000000 ..&......s......
0x0026f3b0: 0026f3f0 00000000 00000001 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026f3c0: 00000000 00000000 0026f8d0 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026f3d0: 0026f8a0 00000000 0026f8a0 00000000 ..&.......&.....
0x0026f3e0: 00000000 00000000 0026f8a0 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026f3f0: 0026f7b0 00000000 04bc73c0 00000000 ..&......s......
0x0026f400: 0026f490 00000000 04bc7431 00000000 ..&.....1t......
0x0026f410: 00000000 00000000 0026f8d0 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026f420: 0026f7e0 00000000 d8e4232d 000007fe ..&.....-#......
0x0026f430: 0026f4c0 00000000 04bc72c0 00000000 ..&......r......
0x0026f440: 0026f8d0 00000000 0026f900 00000000 ..&.......&.....
0x0026f450: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f460: 0026f8d0 00000000 d8e4228b 000007fe ..&......"......
0x0026f470: 04eefc98 00000000 04eefc98 00000000 ................
0x0026f480: 04bc73c0 00000000 04eefc98 00000000 .s..............
0x0026f490: 0026f4d0 00000000 d8f6601f 000007fe ..&......`......
0x0026f4a0: 35872d80 00000000 00000000 00000000 .-.5............
0x0026f4b0: 35872d80 00000000 04eefc98 00000000 .-.5............
0x0026f4c0: 0026f500 00000000 d8f6602e 000007fe ..&......`......
0x0026f4d0: 02354d48 00000000 00000000 00000000 HM5.............
0x0026f4e0: 35872d80 00000000 35872d80 00000000 .-.5.....-.5....
0x0026f4f0: 045f8bd0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .._.............
0x0026f500: 0026f8d0 00000000 0026f7b0 00000000 ..&.......&.....
0x0026f510: 35872d80 00000000 35872d80 00000000 .-.5.....-.5....
0x0026f520: 045f8bd0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .._.............
0x0026f530: 0026f900 00000000 0026f7e0 00000000 ..&.......&.....
0x0026f540: 35872d80 00000000 35872d80 00000000 .-.5.....-.5....
0x0026f550: 045f8bd0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .._.............
0x0026f560: 0026f930 00000000 0026f810 00000000 0.&.......&.....
0x0026f570: 0026f5b0 00000000 35872d80 00000000 ..&......-.5....
0x0026f580: 045f8bd0 00000000 00000000 00000000 .._.............
0x0026f590: 0026f960 00000000 0026f840 00000000 `.&.....@.&.....
0x0026f5a0: 0026fa10 00000000 1d213720 00000000 ..&..... 7!.....
0x0026f5b0: 02354d48 00000000 00000000 00000000 HM5.............
0x0026f5c0: 00000000 00000000 361f93a0 00000000 ...........6....
0x0026f5d0: 045f8bd0 00000000 3a8a5a20 00000000 .._..... Z.:....
0x0026f5e0: 0026f990 00000000 0026f890 00000000 ..&.......&.....
0x0026f5f0: 0026f630 00000000 d8f6602e 000007fe 0.&......`......
0x0026f600: 361f7e20 00000000 00000000 000007fe  ~.6............
0x0026f610: 5ab42251 0000cfa6 3623b930 00000000 Q".Z....0.#6....
0x0026f620: 361f7da0 00000000 404b3140 00000001 .}.6....@1K@....
0x0026f630: 0000000a 00000000 37d74cc0 00000000 .........L.7....
0x0026f640: 69bfea90 00000000 0026f8d0 00000000 ...i......&.....
0x0026f650: 0026f7b0 00000000 04eefc98 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026f660: 00000000 00000000 d8eb8791 000007fe ................
0x0026f670: 69bfea90 00000000 0026f900 00000000 ...i......&.....
0x0026f680: 0026f7e0 00000000 04eefc98 00000000 ..&.............
0x0026f690: 00000000 00000000 40645424 00000001 ........$Td@....
0x0026f6a0: 04eefc98 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f6b0: 0026f720 00000000 04eefc98 00000000  .&.............
0x0026f6c0: 0026f750 00000000 4064067a 00000001 P.&.....z.d@....
0x0026f6d0: 0026f8b0 00000000 0026f8d0 00000000 ..&.......&.....
0x0026f6e0: 0026f750 00000000 04eefc98 00000000 P.&.............
0x0026f6f0: 0026f8d0 00000000 40640600 00000001 ..&.......d@....
0x0026f700: 04eefc98 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f710: 0026f8d0 00000000 404b39da 00000001 ..&......9K@....
0x0026f720: 69b7afc0 00000000 69b7afc0 00000000 ...i.......i....
0x0026f730: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f740: 04eefc98 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f750: 00000000 00000000 0026f8a0 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026f760: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f770: 04eefc98 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f780: 00000000 00000000 0026f8d0 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0026f790: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f7a0: 04eefc98 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f7b0: 3c8d48c0 00000000 0026f758 00000000 .H.<....X.&.....
0x0026f7c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f7d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f7e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f7f0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f800: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f810: 00000005 0000000a 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f820: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f830: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f840: 00000002 0000000a 04eefc98 00000000 ................
0x0026f850: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f860: 00000000 00000000 0000b70c 00000000 ................
0x0026f870: 0cc27618 00000000 35f4c310 00000000 .v.........5....
0x0026f880: 3da54201 00000000 00000101 00000000 .B.=............
0x0026f890: 69b7afc0 00000000 404b79a0 00000001 ...i.....yK@....
0x0026f8a0: 0cc27600 00000000 69b7afc0 00000000 .v.........i....
0x0026f8b0: 3c8d48c0 00000000 00000101 00000000 .H.<............
0x0026f8c0: 69beeac0 00000000 404b79fb 00000001 ...i.....yK@....
0x0026f8d0: 00000000 00000000 69b7afc0 00000000 ...........i....
0x0026f8e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f8f0: 69beeb80 00000000 404b79fb 00000001 ...i.....yK@....
0x0026f900: 00000000 00000000 69beeac0 00000000 ...........i....
0x0026f910: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f920: 69bfea90 00000000 404b79fb 00000001 ...i.....yK@....
0x0026f930: 00000000 00000000 69beeb80 00000000 ...........i....
0x0026f940: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0026f950: 404b4470 00000001 4025c007 00000001 pDK@......%@....
0x0026f960: 00000000 00000000 055c1a60 00000000 ........`.\.....
0x0026f970: 0026fc00 00000000 02739b70 00000000 ..&.....p.s.....
0x0026f980: 0026f9a0 00000000 03b82c70 00000000 ..&.....p,......

Module 1
Image Base: 0x00400000  Image Size: 0x0001e000
File Size:  107368      File Time:  2007-04-04_185422
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Common Controller API
   FileVer:    9.18.944.0
   ProdVer:    9.18.944.0

Module 2
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\Plugins\steam_api64.dll
Image Base: 0x6ce70000  Image Size: 0x00041000
File Size:  249120      File Time:  2019-02-28_143016
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam Client API
   FileDesc:   Steam Client API

Module 3
Image Base: 0x74240000  Image Size: 0x00006000
File Size:  5120        File Time:  2015-12-08_130732
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   User CSA Library
   FileVer:    6.1.7601.19091
   ProdVer:    6.1.7601.19091

Module 4
Image Base: 0x77130000  Image Size: 0x0011f000
File Size:  1162752     File Time:  2019-01-08_210654
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
   FileVer:    6.1.7601.24354
   ProdVer:    6.1.7601.24354

Module 5
Image Base: 0x77250000  Image Size: 0x000fa000
File Size:  1009152     File Time:  2016-11-10_103242
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL
   FileVer:    6.1.7601.23594
   ProdVer:    6.1.7601.23594

Module 6
Image Base: 0x77350000  Image Size: 0x0019f000
File Size:  1664352     File Time:  2019-01-08_210828
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   NT Layer DLL
   FileVer:    6.1.7601.24354
   ProdVer:    6.1.7601.24354

Module 7
Image Base: 0x774f0000  Image Size: 0x00007000
File Size:  9216        File Time:  2009-07-13_194154
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Process Status Helper
   FileVer:    6.1.7600.16385
   ProdVer:    6.1.7600.16385

== [end of error.log] ==

Dump Download: https://mega.nz/#!j3w23IKB!ljkhkii4pkkPdBgIemdloTyS7D0uPBimi0c9hDMRIh0


Edited by Lego8_bit
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the info provided does support you are crashing, however their needs to be more info to diag,.. however and also the mods you are using aren't currently problematic. your mm4.01 needs updates so check all mods for updates and dependencies. 

also delete the additional modulemanager files in the gamedata folder and retest.

 I would recommend manually doing the updates, if you are having issues after that please post as per:

specifically the logs<Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit) or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt >

hope this helps



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8 hours ago, Lego8_bit said:

That's not a log file, it's a matched pair of screenshots of a modal dialog window. It sure is pretty (error dialogs in stereo, woot), but it provides no debugging information whatsoever.

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11 hours ago, steve_v said:

That's not a log file, it's a matched pair of screenshots of a modal dialog window. It sure is pretty (error dialogs in stereo, woot), but it provides no debugging information whatsoever.

apologies, I forgot to tweak my question to where you can see the logs. I have the dump as well as the text it a spoiler but, I had the screenshot take up most of the space to where it would confuse some people. i moved the screenshot into it own spoiler and the logs should be visible  (the dump download is at the very bottom of the log  spoiler.)

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5 hours ago, Lego8_bit said:

the logs should be visible

The text in the spoiler is a windows crash dump, not a log file. Which log to upload is explained in the support post Jammer-TD  linked.
The mega link in encrypted, so I can't see what's in it.

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People asked for the output log. But honestly, you only have four mods. Delete them all, delete the downloaded files and then make sure to redownload only the versions of the mods that are definitely compatible with your game version.

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