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KSP ate my save files?!

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Hey guys

So, having carefully saved my game under sequential names (gilly1, gilly2 etc), my last several saves have disappeared. 


Any magic solutions out there? Stating the obvious (Squad!) but it's a huge disincentive to play if your save files are going to just evaporate!



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It's a known bug, but there's a new Enhanced Edition update coming out soon which will bring along with it major bug fixes. Right now there is no known fix for your problem, only to just be patient for the bug fixes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - it turns out I cant even start a new game; even a totally new career / sandbox game won't save.


Tried an uninstall / reinstall, but no luck.


So it seems that a certain point the save game glitch can bork the entire game, regardless of save file etc!


This really is pretty appalling  Squad!

Edited by Ephraim Stone
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