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Made my first kopernicus planet but the atmosphere does weird

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like you're using lightColor, which most people don't use unless they're newer modders, which is understandable in your case.We now usually use atmosphereFromGround, which works for gas giants as well. To find out the right values, we usually use KittopiaTech, which was revamped not too long ago: https://github.com/Kopernicus/KittopiaTech/releases.

Here is what that part of the config looks like:




   waveLength = [whatever three values you want], 0.5 // this is the important part

    innerRadiusMult = 1.025 // leave it be

   outerRadiusMult = 0.975 // leave it be


Just to be convenient, here is what I got that looks close enough for your image while not looking ugly


Hope this helps! :wink:

p.s: LightColor works as well in technicality, but I rarely ever used it since last year

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  • 2 weeks later...

I treid, but the whole atmosphere disapeared and the black rim was still there


I removed all my mods except for hyperedit, KittopiaTech and kopernicus

this is the config I now have:

	name = Yell
	flightGlobalsIndex = 234
		name = Jool
		description = very yellow..
		radius = 4000000
		geeASL = 0.67
		rotationPeriod = 36000
		rotates = true
		tidallyLocked = false
		initialRotation = 0
		isHomeWorld = false
		timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 300000 300000 400000 700000
			landedDataValue = 2
			splashedDataValue = 2
			flyingLowDataValue = 11
			flyingHighDataValue = 8
			inSpaceLowDataValue = 7
			inSpaceHighDataValue = 6
			recoveryValue = 7
			flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
			spaceAltitudeThreshold = 140000
		referenceBody = Sun
		color = 1,0.843137,0,1
		inclination = 2.3
        eccentricity = 0.04
		semiMajorAxis = 135798522368
		longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55
        argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
        meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1.1
        epoch = 1343.91
		ambientColor = 0.50,0.45,0,1
			waveLength = 0.5938202,0.6404493,0.8426967,0.5 // this is the important part 
			innerRadiusMult = 1.025 // leave it be
			outerRadiusMult = 0.975 // leave it be
		altitude = 150000.0
		enabled = true
            texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Yell_bands
				0.0 = 1,0.843137,0,1
				0.5 = 0.6,0.196078,0.8,1
				1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
			rimPower = 3
			rimBlend = 0.2


Edited by RJVB09
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