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Persistent game save erasing all kerbals!

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Yesterday, I attempted to load from the persistent save only to find flights in progress was 0.

I double checked by going to the tracking station which confirmed no vessels.

The I. Game date was correct as well as available funds etc, just no kerbals.

Ended up loading my last quicksave, and everything was fine, hopefully just an anomaly, but I thought you'd like to know, we don't want a return to the fiasco of the original versions  save file losses.

Playing xbox, with DLC on career

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Hi there,
We recently released a patch on Xbox One that addresses an issue where users could lose access to their save when loading during gameplay. Please try to update to the latest version of the game. If that does not help, it might be a bug we are nit yet aware of. If so, please help us by reporting it into https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com with as much details as possible, so that we can find a solution as soon as possible. Thank you.

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