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[1.6.1] Unmanned Science Lander

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Hello, normally I don't post about my creations, but I've just designed a lander that I am actually truly happy with the looks of (usually I'm kinda meh about a lot of my creations) and felt the need to share.

(I will note that if you want to download this lander it requires Universal Storage 2, RLA Reborn, Dmagic Orbital Science, MSP-3000 Material Science Pod, and Near Future Construction, I'll link to all the threads at the end of this post.)

This lander was designed and intended for landing on and returning to orbit from Ceti, which is the second moon of Gael from the GPP planet pack. Though I will note that this lander would also be completely capable of a Mun landing and return to orbit. It has been built with limited redundancy in mind if you use any part failure mods (for example I use Oh Scrap!) which is why this lander features 4 engines instead of just 2, I will note that positive TWR is easily achievable with only two of the four main engines. In terms of science, I built this during a career game so I don't have all of the experiments unlocked yet. However it would not be difficult to find room in one of the two science bays for other small experiments.

Another thing this lander was designed with is that the upper science bay can be decoupled and docked to another vessel (of your design) in order to be returned to Gael (or Kerbin), currently it includes a one Mystery Goo and one Science Jr. Though I will note that the upper science bay does not have any method implemented for control or maneuvering, which means that once it has been decoupled it will have to be docked to by something else, so it is recommended that you use the lander itself to dock the upper science bay to your return vessel. The RCS is balanced for doing this to within 0.001 kNm. (with tanks full all the way down to empty) Once the upper science bay has been decoupled the RCS will not longer be balanced for docking maneuvers.

Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c2x1v48b9mrrauw/Ceti UnM Lander.craft?dl=1

May I present the orthographic screenshots of the vessel courtesy of Kronal Vessel Viewer.

Full Album (3 images): https://imgur.com/a/2fAHeNj




  • Parts: 46
  • Mass: 1.043t
  • Height: 1.8m
  • Width: 1.3m
  • Length: 2.1m
  • DeltaV: 1470m/s

TWR on Ceti (0.135g)

  • 2 Engines Active: 1.75 (3.28)
  • 4 Engines Active: 3.51 (6.55)

Mods Used:



Edited by CoriW
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