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"Hohmann transfer orbit" dedicated vehicle. [HTO-1] [Vanilla]

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* This is a simple design using only stock parts (without struts).

* The use of this calculator to calculate the transfer delta-V and orbital speeds is recommended.

HTO-01: (Or, how to accidentally create a decent vehicle to try out Hohmann transfer orbits.)

Let me put this into context. I was bored, really bored. The kind of boredom which shouts for KSP. I decided I'd try to create a rocket with enough fuel to reach a low circular orbit, and a solid fuel booster to decelerate and return to Kearth. What happened instead, is that after reaching orbit at 42,000m (+-15m) I noticed I had a full liquid fuel stage and the deceleration solid fuel stage left.

What this means is that this vehicle will easily allow you to get into orbit =<100Km high with enough liquid fuel to try hohmann transfers up to about 1,000Km (I got bored after 3 transfers and 500km altitude, with about 3/4 liquid tank left. It's also small enough that you can easily maneuver it's orbital stages without requiring non-vanilla things (Like the RCS module) nor a godlike patience and attention.

Ship: http://www./?ak5j97cds1imoqk

Screenshot: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/1696/hto1n.jpg

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It is amazing how little fuel it takes to perform Hohmann transfers, especially if your orbital vehicle is quite small. It's also amazing how, to get just a bit more mass into orbit, you need a much, much larger rocket, because for each extra engine and fuel tank you add, you need even more engines and fuel tanks, because now your rocket is heavier!

Nice job building something that big and yet reliable from the stock parts, by the way. I gave up on trying because you just can't build large rockets without having dozens of stacks connected radially.

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  • 2 months later...

here is my simple design to reach high orbit


in this single test i was able to reach low orbit with 3coupler on, then transfer high 1M and 8M+ i guess in designated 'fly' it could reach more than 10M+

it is nice to know that method i used: burn up at Pe to reach high, and than burn up at Ap to round that, is Hohmann transfer :)

i just use my senses

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