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Interplanetary Crewed System Challenge


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Our team is focusing now on Uncrewed landers now starting today. But we feel that we need new contracts to launch (These :)) to other celestial bodies. We have built our own but we felt like it was too inefficient and small. We want new contracts

Rules of the challenge

  • Must be able to fit in VAB***
  • Cannot be an SSTO or Spaceplane
  • Must be playable with no Mods*
  • Must not have any crew control (Probe centered, we want this to work with no crew!)
  • 6+ :) in spacecraft, No more than 12 (we don't want to have a ton)
  • No EVA landings
  • No payload spacecraft (Spacecraft that are inside of fairings)
  • Must be capable of visiting anybody in the kerbol system**
  • stock parts and systems

Bonus points

No refueling +100 points

A Youtube Video with This post +100

Under 100 Grand + 200

Have a backup system that follows these rules + 100

Fuel Celled powered +200

Capable of Extra modules +200

No docking required +400

Able to fly to every planet and back in one flight with no refueling or gravity assists**** +1800

Looks Modern and isn't out of the looks stock looking + 300

Top 4 will be put on the winners page of our website

*Visualization Mods or Mods that don't help you fly are allowed

**There and back you may gravity assist or land on other planets in the process

*** When we mean it to fit in the Vehicle Assembly building, we mean it shouldn't go over or under the building in builder mode

****You may Gravity assist and earn the points if you land on that planet when your using that assist

*****Winners will be announced a while after


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How you are graded

  1. Completing all of the following will give you 100 points
  2. The Bonus points will give you that
  3. then we have judging points

Judging points will be given by these qualifications

  • Thrust to Weight Ratio
  • Design
  • Latest Version [1.7] [You will be set in different winners competition instead]
  • Skill requirements [The easier it is the better]
  • Re-usability [The more parts autonomously reusable the better score]
  • Kraken free
  • Proven images and video for flight proven (more pictures of flight events the better score)
  • A timelapse of the spacecraft parts [video the whole lander showing all parts OR series of images... More details better score]
  • Lander design (The shorter and wider the better landing you will get TIP)
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