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[STOCK] Tilt-rotor stock electric VTOL cargo plane

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Hello all,

As the upcoming DLC with robotic parts has not yet been released, I have continued flight testing on a tilt-rotor stock propeller VTOL aircraft.

To build this I used an experimental version of my Mach Spinner planes as engines, attached to a heavy-duty hinge for tilt functionality.

The hinge uses air brakes and so is limited to a 65 degree angle. Therefore vertical flight has to be conducted with the aircraft at a 25 degree pitch. 

Building this craft took a couple of days, with the hinge being the hardest part. Flying the aircraft however - that's another thing entirely. 

Here is a video showing some of my flight testing adventures with this unwieldily beast:




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That's a very cool craft, but I'm eager to see what sort of craft people can make with stock single part hinges and rotors.

It would be great if rotor speed could be adjusted smoothly, as with throttle, instead of clicking menus to alter deployment state of control surfaces....

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