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Issues with the New Updates 1.7 and higher

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I play this game alot, recently started again while I am waiting to be accepted to an apprenticeship. I love this game, I play it alot and its a good distraction for me, however I want to share my technically issues that I have and hopefully squad can improve on it, the last thing you want is to throw people off your game. Personally I plan to update to an extend and go no further to 1.8 in the future. Since its already to late and dont know how to backtract my save file, I will just continue to keep it there. I have a 10 year old computer that still plays modern game pretty well. If your curious about my specs I can share it. I will continue to play the game but I plan not to update anymore.

I dont know much or keep tract off the news but I noticed when I updated to 1.7. The loading screen starts to become stuck for a while its loading.There is new texture of background stars so I dont know if that has something to do with it. This happens even when I play the game, it loads more laggy now than it did before. Maybe my settings is nearly max out or something but this can effect players using a laptop or something. Adding new content is great and all, but if it effects how the game is run and others cant play it smoothly as it did, your really gonna throw them off. If your adding new content, make sure you test it on low end computers and make sure its very rendered very well. We still want to play the game, its just every update has caused issues after issues.

I wasnt gonna speak out and was just browsing on forums but since Ive ready posts about crashing on loading or similar, I thought I had to speak out for this. As a developer take the issue of play ability on low end computers is very importnat and if you do plan to release texture packs or something, make it as an option in the menu. If you plan to upgrade its lighting or something, put it as an option, even background stars, give an option for that. Play it safe and if you can make the menu settings to optimize performance, that would help. I thought I share this.


I just read a few things about 1.7 that I really  liked

  • "Fix Flags and Kerbals loading above terrain (flying) and flags being removed from game."
  • "
  • Fix thermal overlay rendering on parts that have lights."

I didnt know this but I am glad there fixing bugs. I think the loading freezing is caused by  

  • "Upgraded Galaxy Textures." But I wish I could revert to old textures to see how it plays out. I am stuck with 1.7 because of my save file and can still play it. However there is a bit of load freeze that I have to deal with in the meantime, not sure exactly whats causing it.
Edited by ShadowElite
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BcZykWa.jpgI have noticed the first of the two menu screens pauses much longer with version 1.7.0.  While the menu is greyed and growing in size, there is an 8-second pause, 2 bars of the fanfare.  I use an AMD Radeon R7 M360.

If I reduce the texture resolution from full to half/quarter/eighth, that delay becomes shorter in proportion. (Most of the time, we are zoomed out so the game uses the quarter- or eighth-scale version of the textures on parts anyway.)  

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42 minutes ago, OHara said:

BcZykWa.jpgI have noticed the first of the two menu screens pauses much longer with version 1.7.0.  While the menu is greyed and growing in size, there is an 8-second pause, 2 bars of the fanfare.  I use an AMD Radeon R7 M360.

If I reduce the texture resolution from full to half/quarter/eighth, that delay becomes shorter in proportion. (Most of the time, we are zoomed out so the game uses the quarter- or eighth-scale version of the textures on parts anyway.)  

This is exactly what I am experiencing. I use a gtx 550t1. I wish I could have explained this better though. I notice around 8seconds as well and it seems to be consistently lagg, meaning its not random but everythime you load, it becomes exactly the same. If I were to guess I think there is some kind of bug going on with the textures or something. Not sure.

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