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Manned Exploration of Eve's Ocean Floor Challenge

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A self explanatory challenge, inspired by this discovery that Kerbals can "walk" underwater if constrained by a ceiling.

Objective is to get to the bottom of Eve's ocean and either take a sample or plant a flag (or photographically evidence how close you came). Return to Kerbin is (very) optional, except for bragging rights.

Standard rules apply (stock/DLC parts only); no mods which affect physics. MechJeb etc are allowed.

More details to follow, once I've further investigated buoyancy effects on Eve...

Edited by dnbattley
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With more field tests I have somewhat optimised a submersible craft design to allow easy flag-planting (WARNING SPOILERS IF ANYONE IS TRYING TO WORK OUT THEIR OWN SOLUTION TO THIS CHALLENGE):

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That looks neat, but perhaps a bit over-complicated?

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Admittedly, I haven't actually tested this design on Eve. But I see no reason why it shouldn't work — or at least no reason that couldn't be fixed with the addition of more ballast, if necessary.

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Hmm... after installing Hyperedit so I could do some proper testing, looks like it's indeed working fine.

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Now I just need a rocket to take it to Eve without using Hyperedit...

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BTW, one thing I noticed during testing was that leaving a command chair can launch a kerbal halfway through a structural plate or some other thin object.

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If developed further, this technology might some day allow kerbals to be equipped with personal weighted diving collars.

Alas, despite some promising early results, I have not yet managed to develop one that would stay on reliably. In particular, while it's not too hard to force a kerbal's helmet through the hole in a small decoupler and suspend him from it, trying to switch vessels and activate the decoupler invariably knocks it loose. :( 

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