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Infinitely Flying Solar Craft(Breaking Ground)

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I didnt see anyone do this yet.  I know ion planes have been done but none that use no expendable propellant as far as I am aware.

Here are some solar-only powered craft that can fly indefinitely during day hours.

1. Solar Propeller Plane

Prop planes are a poodle because the solar panels create a lot of excess drag and planes that do work and fly really nicely become nasty to fly when stacked with solar panels.  This does fly however.  A launch vehicle is used to get it up to speed and off the ground as I eliminated the undercarriage to give it just a little bit more of a weight advantage.  It is a nasty plane to fly but fly it does.




2. Solar Helicopter

Loads easier as are all helicopters.  And easy(once one learns how to fly helicopters).  Nicer vehicle to fly than the plane for sure.



* Steamworks is not behaving right now so I will upload the models when I can

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6 hours ago, Gavin786 said:

* Steamworks is not behaving right now so I will upload the models when I can

Use kerbalX instead, since not everyone on this forum use Steam. In fact, most of the good crafts (including the infinite Solar props) can be found there.

Edited by Jestersage
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