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Slipping, Faulty joints, Uncommanded movement...

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Here's a list of problems I have recently encountered:


Uncommanded movement of several robotic parts. In the screen shot the "Current angle" is increasing about 1 deg/sec upto 90deg and starts to degreasing. If the "Rate" slider is moved/touched the "Current angle" will immediately bounch to zero (i.e. Target Angle)



Here are two screen shots showing slipping/drifting on a launchpad. The wheel brakes were toggled off-and-on after using the "Claw".  The timer in top-left corner shows the time cap.






Here are more screen shots about the slipping. Note the location of the new "Surface deployable science instruments" and the results coming from slipping...






Here are some screen shots from a base assemply.

Assempling a base is pretty difficult due to constant slipping of everything. Also the robotic parts are very weak, the payload is yoyo-ing all-around. It's almost like everything is build from a rubber. Hydraulic cylinders act more like pneumatic ones (i.e. bumping up'n'down).  I would say that the yoyo-ing should be reduced to a half (atleast) to make the game more playable. I mean increse damping. Hinges doesn't even have a damping parameter. The force that hinges and cylinders can deliver appear to be good enough. The same force should be used for damping. Maybe it's the combination of robotic parts and kerbal joints causing the problem. Should the joints related to robotic parts be rigid ?   EDIT: It's kinda ridiculous to put struts and struts and struts everywhere.

EDIT: Also the kerbal joints become permanently displaced even if not under a pressure/force.






Edited by jarmonik
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