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Kerbin Mini Military - First Release

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Kerbin Mini Military
First Release




Kerbin Mini Military Bomber
Mini B-52  ......Sorta

This is the first of a few Mini Military Craft I plan to have in a Video at a later date. I have a some Craft built, to name a few, BattleShip, P38, Mitchell & an Aircraft Carrier. (Bombs Destroy Nothing with this Bomber :/)

At takeoff use half throttle, at about 40ms small quick taps on the S Key will get you in the air without destroying the Tail. You might be able to press and hold to lift depending on speed. Landing at or near 45ms made an excellent landing with a soft touch down.

Action Group 4 for the Bomb Bay Doors
Action Group 5 to drop the Load

Mini B-52 Bomber




Kerbin Mini Military
Mini A-10 Warthog

1/3 Throttle will get you off the end of the Runway without destroying your Tail.

AG 6 will release all the A-10’s Payload. AG 7,8,9 & 0 will drop doubles at a time.
(Bombs not shown here)




Kerbin Mini Military
Mini F-14 Tomcat

Full Throttle with SAS until you reach about 120ms and she will peel right off the Tarmac when pressing S. 
Touchdown softly at or near 40ms will give you a nice landing but also very challenging. 
Doing a 180 will cause lots of stall but if you have enough air underneath you gaining control again is possible and very fun.

Mini F-14 Tomcat


Edited by Castille7
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