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Breaking Ground Axis/Control Group Bindings

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Why are we currently restricted to having certain part actions bound to regular action groups and other ones bound to the new action groups such as axis groups? For example I was just building an F-14 and realized once I got to the rotors that the rotor can only be set to rotate on a regular group. The only actions I can set to throttle (what I want it set to; to rotate on throttle up and return on throttle down) are RPM limit and torque limit. It seems like an amazingly simple task to enable all or even just most of the part actions on both types of action groups. Can this be done, why hasn't it been done, or why can't it be done in the first place?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually, this is already in game, both RPM and torque controls what motor will do in-flight. Torque limit will change maximum torque motor will apply to reach RPM limit, just assign them in axis groups and see how it all works.

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I just noticed that the OP is already a few days old. Is this still an open question?

Short version: if you don't just want to "flip a switch" but to "adjust a slider", then you need to use an axis control group. If you also want to "flip a switch" when "slider > 0" then you can do that with the new KAL-1000.

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