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KSP VS Spore!


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Hi every body....

This thread is about our beloved game KSP....and because we love this game we must keep it lovable! we want it to be always on top. The reason why i posted this thread is because I've suffered a huge disappointment in a game I 've been waiting for its release for more than 5 years!! during those five years i read every article mentioning it, watching every video demonstrating it, joining every forum talking about it.... the game was:Spore. For every body who hasn't played it, it;s a game in which you control a life form, starting from a micro single celled organism, to a spacefaring civilization. You can creat and design nearly every thing in the game: creatures, clothes, buildings, vehicles, weapons, even terraform other barren planets and colonize them! There are several planets in your solar system...but there are millions of other planets in the galaxy...you may spend really LONG time visiting just 1/1000000 of all the planets and solar systems....But after i played it i was bored and the game is very monotonous and very childesh cartoony like. also the planets are very repetative in looks, and it's not hard to find alien races, because you find them too aften without any hardness (which may kill the "achievement feeling")..the main feature of the game was enabling the player to create and design his own game, which was a great feature, but once you keep playing it for a while you realize that the developers ruined this great feature by making lots and lots of bad updates and tweaks that turned such great game to a huge desappointment.

I hope that KSP developers keep up the good work in the coming versions and keep thinking about How Spore failed and try to avoid this scenario.

I hope they make this in KSP:

- Sandbox explorations: not a "mission" type of a gameplay with limited time, but a free style exploration. (as it is now).

- searching for other life forms: launching SITI devices or radio devices that may recieve signals from other life forms. (please make them HARD to find!!).

- the ability to build complicated rovers with robotic arms to gather and analyse samples of rocks and soil from other planets.

- Add the ability to view from inside the space ship.

- Add the ability to save the planet from a disaster (huge meteoroid or something)

- the ability to colonize moons or other "Kerbin" like planets.

Thanks for reading.

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- Add the ability to save the planet from a disaster (huge meteoroid or something)

wow, that's actually an awesome idea. It could require a grid of monitoring satellites that you would place into orbit in order to cover all or most directions (the number of satelites allowed could in itself be a challenge in order to get the best coverage possible on a given budget) , and be able to get an alarm when such body is discovered. Then you figure out how big, fast it is and its trajectory, so you can build the appropriate rocket to get the job done!

This should be a consideration for future development :cool:

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wow, that's actually an awesome idea. It could require a grid of monitoring satellites that you would place into orbit in order to cover all or most directions (the number of satelites allowed could in itself be a challenge in order to get the best coverage possible on a given budget) , and be able to get an alarm when such body is discovered. Then you figure out how big, fast it is and its trajectory, so you can build the appropriate rocket to get the job done!

This should be a consideration for future development :cool:

You realise you've just described the 1980's game called "Missile Command". :)

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1. Sandbox is staying; they're just adding Career and other modes like that sort of thing later.

2. Interesting, but would require a lot of other things to be implemented first.

3. Well, there is Damned Robotics for the concept. It may or may not eventually be added into the game.

4. Coming very soon. Check the dev blogs and the 0.17 teaser video by C7. I'm reasonably certain it'll make it into 0.17, but there's always the chance something could take a while to implement or correct and it ends up needing to be pushed back.

5. Interesting, although not to everyone's taste. Some would love the challenge, some would hate it. Perhaps a later-game mission or something.

6. Yes, it would be good to be able to do this, simply to be able to launch rockets from other bases aside from Kerbin itself.

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- Add the ability to save the planet from a disaster (huge meteoroid or something)

There actually was an old challenge about that. I'll find it.

EDIT: Here it is: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/9342-Disasteroid-%28v0-15%29?highlight=disasteroid

Edited by simplemunrockets
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