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The 3


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3 theories concerning the Ultimate. Black Holes have been proven to exist, and they are very abundant throughout the universe. 

1. First Theory. Everything that goes in a black hole stays there, all mass all matter is still intact. And it will eventually hit critical mass, A.K.A.The Big Bang. Which gives rise to the Expanding Contracting Universe theory.

( laws of thermodynamics and conversation of energy or intact)

2.  Second Theory. Everything that approaches the black hole as energy is converted to heat, which mathematically is The Heat Death of the Universe.

 However the Laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energy are still preserved.

3. Third Theory.  What goes in must come out. (Worm-Hole) This as well will preserve the law of thermodynamics and the conservation of energy.

1 recycles the universe.

2 kills it and Everything

3 all good

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