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Lifeform evolution


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I've been thinking about death for some time and I thought of something, we brain stops working when we die, but where will our soul go after death, heaven? hell? but the function of our brain is to receive information and envolve into something new, then I have a thought of a hypothesis that there is simply no such thing as a soul, all humans are duplicates of our former generation's characteristics, all new lives begin with a blank sheet, but after receiving information, we become what we are now  it means that if two babies lives through the same kind of experience, they will always come out the same, it's like a different universe , the other you, he/she went through the same life as you and he/she is the same as you , we are just a lifeform that is gathering information for our next generations, we are like robots trying to use the information passed down by the last generation to discover new things and pass it down, our emotions, our curiosity, our desire for needs, they are simply our tools to keep the information in our head safe and pass it down, to envolve into the next stage , it's all simply the evolution of our lifeform.9Lhy9h4BGjPOOWqBJJpkwqwdDXFcrdJ9zy-RR1n59Lhy9h4BGjPOOWqBJJpkwqwdDXFcrdJ9zy-RR1n5[couldn't find any other site to share this]

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