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KSP not launching because can't switch to 1920x1057 resolution

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Today I upgraded my older version of KSP to the newest one and the new versions can't even open the laucher, showing only an error box telling it couldn't switch to requested monitor resolution (1920x1057), detailing tries to lower resolutions but all failing.

I already read about it, but seems to me all previous responses are addressed to DX11 equipped Windows 8.0. I use W10, with DX12.

Anyone experienced the same problem or know what can I do to resolve this?

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Thank you very much. I'll try it now.

I already discovered that this error only occurs when the game tries to use my NVIDIA high performance graphics processor, but not with the integrated graphics card.


Nah... integrated graphics card runs launcher ok, but the game is only lauched if in integrated graphics card requested directly at the program path on the root folder.

Unfortunately integrated graphics card runs KSP as well as my first spaceship maneuvered.

Edited by Matheus Pires
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