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Updating to 1.8

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Hi guys. Updating to 1.8. Bombs system. With all my mods installed.

If I take out about half of them then KSP 1.8 works aok.

So conclusion DO NOT BLAME SQUAD! or TAKE TWO.

Two of the mods that Bombed were Firesplitter  and  B9PartSwitch

Hope this helps guys.

I have not debugged the rest yet. Been all morning trying to get this fixed <grin>

Hope this helps someone.

Regards. Stephen.

Next Job is to Identify which cause failures and inform modders. OH JOY.....


Edited by Lankspace
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Ok having spent most of the day debugging I can now report.

This is the snip of my mods dir with the ones that do work.

Mechjeb up dated to latest.

But Firesplitter  and  B9PartSwitch Cause Grief B9 in particular.

I have a Total of 26 mods installed running AOK.

Updated Mechjeb and Taisier Space Research. All others work as it says on the Casing.

Regards Stephen.

The new Textures look good too.

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