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KSP Related reading list?


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I've looked around the webs but have not found a user generated list or forum topic that covers a KSP reading list.  I'm an avid reader of early space history which would be one category to share but another would be readable books on orbital mechanics.  I

l'll start a thread myself here if one does not exist but I didn't want to be duplicatory...  Danke.

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Ignition (by John Drury Clark) would be the first book I'd recommend if you're interested in history of rocketry.  Rockets are no good without propellants, every rocket designer since Goddard has known that.  Goddard's own biography, and Willy Ley's autobiography, should also be on the list.  I think there was an equivalent work for von Braun.

For orbital mechanics, I don't know if there can be a combination of accurate and readable.  I'm pretty good at transfers in KSP, and I still can't do the math to actually calculate things like the phase angle, transfer time, and so on for Hohmann transfers -- fortunately, for a game that's supposed to be fun as well as scientific, the game lets me just noodle at it until it works.

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