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Stuck load the game at the end with (loading Expansion pack)

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KSP:1.8.1, *64,/macbook pro2019 13‘/ macOS:10.14.6


  • The game is stuck in the end of the loading process, and it said that the program is loading the extension package. but actually I have never buy the dlc in the past and now.


  • All mods have been updated by me to the latest version already available (2019/11/22)


Edited by Aaron11
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On 11/25/2019 at 11:19 AM, HansAcker said:

An updated ModuleManager or MechJeb would tell you:

"You are using a version of Firespitter that does not run properly on KSP 1.8" (v7.3.7175.38653)

MM 4.1.2 or MechJeb 2.9.1 will give more details about ReflectionTypeLoadExceptions.

So as long as I upgrade MM and MJ, can I solve the problem?

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45 minutes ago, Aaron11 said:

So as long as I upgrade MM and MJ, can I solve the problem?

Not completely, but it would give you better information on which mod needs updating. Definitely update those two.

To fix at least one problem, you need to replace Firespitter with version 7.14. If any other mod also breaks at loading, MM should then tell you the name of the DLL responsible.

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