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Data Processing Multiplier reduced in science labs when I load game?

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Hi all,

As you might have guessed from the title, when I  resume a save game the data processing multiplier drops way off for my labs.  A new ship at launch with 2x lvl5 scientists has a multiplier of .5 but if I save/load/game crash/etc, it will be much lower on the next load (.2 or less) and then even less each time I load the game. This makes a huge difference in the time it takes to collect science during a mission. Any ideas? Or is that just how it works and I never noticed before?

Edited by Saguaro5
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  • 2 months later...

I Have the same problem as Saguaro5. I am using KSP interstellar extended, planetary base system, and station parts expansion redux.
Only the "science Laboratory" and "advanced mobile processing lab" show  "data processing multiplier" value. both of these parts are from  interstellar extended.
simple test showed that the rate decrease on saving is proportional to amount of data in the labs. I hope this information will help someone to solve this problem!

I figured out that what it does. It scales the processing rate ie science/day to the stock game rate as calculated inhttps://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Mobile_Processing_Lab_MPL-LG-2

I have two level 3 scientist giving a rate of 14.175 sci/day

I guess this is to keep the science rate reasonable. upgrading your lab allows you to store more data and science but it does not increase the rate that scientist can work!




Edited by DeltaX1
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