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I made it to Laythe


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I made it to Laythe!  The air was too cold to take off my helmet when I got there, though.

I had a crazy descent.  I can't believe it, but I managed to land on an island on my first try de-orbiting.  When the parachutes popped open, my craft went crazy, because the lever arm of my parachutes was so close to the CoM of my craft, I think (testing on Kerbin didn't reveal this problem).  I can't believe it, but I managed to land my spaceship!  I hope my Kerbal makes it back to Kerbin.  

The delta-v readout says I have enough delta v to get home, even though I burned a lot of fuel trying to land properly (I didn't expect to burn that much).  We'll see how take off goes after I take a walk.

Xbox One, no mods!


Ben Kerman




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Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition





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