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Spinning ships

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So my ships take off fine, very solid until about 13-18 thousand meters. It starts to turn to one side and is soon spinning out of control even with advanced SAS on. This also occurs mid-burn, so its not like some engines stop firing on one side. I am new to the game and maybe i am overlooking something big, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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For that, it sounds like a weight imbalance combined with lack of controlable thrust. The ASAS just auto controls the rocket to keep it pointed where you want. SAS act as spin counters. The cause of the flippy rocket isn't related to this. At 13-18km, you start losing the ability for aerodynamic control. If you have a weight imbalance or are using all non gymbaled thrust, it can cause a tip to start to form with no way to control it. Try posting up a pic of the rocket and maybe we can see for an asymetric fuel tanks or what engines if you cannot see any of these. Try having some gymbal engines engage at this point so you can use thrust to help guide the rocket.

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What the guy above me said. Plus, I have found that installing RCS thrusters with also help with stability when the ASAS is enabled. The cool part about that is that I believe the RCS will pull from the RCS fuel tank regardless of it's position on the rocket... I think!

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