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Hi all, does anyone know how to revert to an earlier game version? 

I'm on PS4

This game was awesome... Until I purchased breaking ground. I have since lost all my game saves due to the files getting corrupted by the CONSTANT game crashes and blue screens. Twice in fact, I put the first one down to the age of my saves and how many updates they've been through, however, having rebuilt from the ground up, the crashes continue and the kraken has taken that save as well. 

I don't want to abandon the game, before breaking ground... Or broken game as I like to call it.... The game was looking polished and most of the annoying bugs had been ironed out. 

Essentially I'm looking for a way to uninstall BG and it's associated updates? 

Any help would be appreciated

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Hi, @JayWhizz Welcome to the forums.

I'm sorry, that you have problems with your KSP installation. But loading "old" savefiles should not (and does not on my Linux installation) cause actual problems. The only intentional issue is that old savefiles don't have the BG surface features enabled.

Blue screens on a PS4 sound to me more like a problem with the hardware or due to corrupted files (either from the PS4 "OS" or from KSP itself). But I believe you are more likely to get real help in the Technical Support (PlayStation 4, XBox One)  subforum.

P.S. Or you could e-mail the tech support.

Edited by AHHans
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