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new planets and solar systems


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Moving away from arguments about what a black hole is or isn't and back to the original topic of this thread...

So far we have at least the following planet types confirmed:

- Binary pair (Rask & Rusk) which are tidally locked to each other and are taking the 'the floor is lava' game a bit too seriously.

- Super-Kerbin type rocky planet (Murble?) with much gravity and some moons, I think that's the ringed planet at the end of the trailer.

I wouldn't be remotely surprised to see more gas giants or ice giants, at least one watery planet or moon (excluding Laythe) and solar systems around a red dwarf star, which aren't particularly interesting but are the most common type of star out there, or possibly a blue giant. Binary stars are nice to look at and all, but the odds of them having planets are far lower than single stars as the two stars would either suck in all the material and prevent planets being formed, or else throw them out into interstellar space if they came too close.

Maybe a rogue planet in interstellar space could appear in KSP2?

As for getting there- metallic hydrogen engines have been talked about a lot as a late-game interstellar drive, but there were also Orion drives and giant fusion rockets in both the trailer and the gameplay demo footage so once you're done exploring the Kerbolar system you should have unlocked enough of those to make an interstellar voyage possible.

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