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K.W.W Space Systems


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A modded career play-through to (hopefully) circumnavigate every solid celestial body.


"I cannot believe I am now officially an astronaut. I almost fainted when I goo the call. Growing up I looked up at the pioneers of Kerbin's space exploration. Through their eyes, we saw the islands of Laythe, the cold wastes of Eeloo, and the hot hellscape that is Moho. We developed more and more wonderful technologies from the knowledge and resources they brought back. Thought they are no longer with us, their legacy will stand forever in Kerbin's memory. Watching their first launches in tiny capsules made me appreciate how courageous these 4 were. From Jeb laughing maniacally at every point, to Val being the steady hand even while Bill and Bob were worrying about the ship systems and scientific equipment.


Here I am today, walking in their footsteps (and hopefully not falling). Through the years, KWW has certainly changed. This sprawling complex is a far cry from the single VAB and SPH from Jeb's days. Newer buildings has been constructed and the runway has been extended. It certainly seems bigger than the pictures I used to see.


I am not alone in being the new crop of astronauts that have been hired. There are 20 of us, 9 female and 11 male. I don't yet know which specialization the others are, although I have met at least one other pilot. Her name is Kathdun and she seems nice.


We have been testing a new rover that will be used for ground missions in the future. It is extremely big and heavy, but only seats 1 person. It seems the bulk of the vehicle is propulsion systems and power generation. One of the other recruits says it is powered by 2 atomic jets and never needs refueling. How he knows is beyond me but he also had a blueprint so I guess he knows what he is talking about. 





We have also gotten a glimpse of the new flag that will be unveiled to the public soon and it is so bad it's almost good.



I think I see our rover on the flag as well as an unknown aeroplane. This might be what is being built in one of the cordoned-off hangars, I have been hearing very loud engine noises from there. I wonder when we will get to test it. We will be commencing testing of the rover in a few weeks and I have been chosen to pilot the rover across the sea to the old island airfield to test its seaworthiness. My pilot friend Kathdun will test it after I return and drive to the mountains. I don't envy her that, though the rover does seem very rugged and capable.


Well, this is a brief rundown of my first month as a new recruit."


Maudock Kerman, KWW astronaut recruit 00265.




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"I did it. I have just returned from the Island. Took me longer than I anticipated and the sun had set by the time I reached the base. In total, I spent over 2 hours piloting this machine. We've officially given it the name Gundane.



It is very fast on solid ground and I managed to get it up to 199kph on the runway before having to brake for the end. It might have not been such a good idea as I thumped one of the lights at the end of the runway. It was not too serious though and I was able to continue to the island. After the front-end is fixed Kathdun will be taking it to the mountains for the high altitude tests."


Maudock Kerman, KWW astronaut recruit 00265.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"There has been much excitement here at the complex. After being told we would not be testing the big rover yet as the engineers were making some modifications, many of us were left very disappointed. Everybody had wanted to have a go at this thing. I mean, who wouldn't? 8 wheels of All-Terrain monstrosity was enough to make me at least, very very excited.


However, we couldn't take it out as yet. There are final static tests which are being conducted by the propulsion testing team. The rumours going around seem to indicate that they are adding extra crew capacity. I hope that's true, barreling down the landscape at 200km/h alone isn't as much fun as having the rest of your team throwing up cheering you on from the rear seats. I look forward to it.


We have finally been given our brief. I don't know if I'm excited or scared, or both. Our mission (I think there will be 10 of us) will be to go to every solid body that the orbital telescopes can find. It seems that there was a secret mission that the public did not know about where there were probes sent to map every place that had been found. They found much, much more than they thought the system contained. And they are not done. The bright areas in the sky we tend to see at night are actually stars, actual stars close enough to travel to. We don't yet know if they have planets around them, the probes have not yet reached their destinations. We will not wait though, we will start out for the places we know in the hope that by the time we are ready for the other places, they will be mapped enough for exploration.


We have seen the vehicle that will take us to the stars. I have to say, at first, I didn't have much respect for it. For one, that name, iMvubu. Why would they name it that? This is supposed to go where none have gone before. The name "Hippo" certainly doesn't convey that. Hopefully it grows on me. The naming committee really has no imagine (or too much imagination, I really don't see "hippo" when I look at this). At least not many people are as multilingual as I am and might not notice that our plane is called "The Hippo".Also, this thing looks like any tourist plane around and doesn't seem like it can even get to space, let alone to other planets.




We were to leave KSC early in the morning and head to the Dessert Airfield in Gerinia to test how the plane behaved in the air. I couldn't take many pictures in-flight as I was piloting but the flight recorder was able to capture the whole flight for analysis.


Boarding and Loading (Mission control didn't want to show us the contents of the cargo bay)5pJikSG.png

As soon as we were loaded and ready to leave, mission control surprised us with the best news. In the cargo bay was the actual Gundane Mk2 rover ready to be tested in the hot sands of the desert. We are to drive the rover toward the ancient statues while the plane refuels at the airfield. I couldn't resist, I had to take a picture before we left. I had to stand on the top of the cockpit to take this shot.


Ready to bank toward our destination


I have to say, this "hippo" thing carries a lot of speed. We were not expecting to be so fast. We left Kelpogart just after dawn and landed at the airfield some time before dawn. It was so dark I was only able to take 1 usable picture of the plane landed.


Refuelling  at the Dessert Airfield.



Maudock will be so jealous. She couldn't come as she was training for the inevitable orbit test. I think there might be a a few more tests before we go into orbit with the spaceplane. We might go for cold weather testing next. And the Gundane needs to be re-tested in the water after its modificatons.


I cant wait for our next mission."


Kathdun Kerman, KWW astronaut recruit 00268.


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  • 1 month later...

'It is finally time. I can't believe it. It has been a roller-coaster. Testing and re-testing the Hippo, at low speeds, high speeds, low altitudes, high altitudes, to orbit and back. Even on top of the V.A.B








There were even a few unscheduled "crash tests". This plane is a beast. It took everything that was thrown at it and had no complaints.




In addition to that, we needed to test the Gundane rover as well. Up the mountains of Cocomor, crossing the waters of the east of Kelpogart towards the Iwahaki islands, submerged underwater testing its submersible abilities, to the top of the world at the poles just beyond Kasala, even tearing through the desert sands of Gerin at 198kph to reach the pyramids. There too, we managed to conduct a few "unscheduled crash tests", but fortunately no one was hurt (turns out 55m/s isn't a safe speed for uneven desert terrain :P)






But now, there are no more tests to do. Everything is ready. Moho awaits us. All that's left to do for Jesvin, Deswig, Maudock, Tivey, Gwendous, Loski, Haiby, Bilmon, Ribsby, Corbro, Sheleny, Maurigh, Podrey, Sikin, and Kathdun, is to report for duty.'




Maudock Kerman, KWW astronaut recruit 00265.


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