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Target Vehicle Accelerating Away

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I'm hoping someone else has had an issue with the target vessel accelerating away once you get within a few hundred meters. This has happened with at least two rendezvous, 200 meters plus, slowing down to a few m/s then the target vessel just shoots off to some ridiculous Ap and probably a new Pe that is at Kerbins surface. Nothing seems to help except reloading. 

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I have noticed the exact same game behaviour playing KSP on the Xbox One X. Reloading the game won't fix the problem. Instead change your target craft to the Mun or any other planet in the Kerbal system. Wait until the affected spacecraft moves out of physics range of any other spacecraft. (2.2km or 3km just to be safe) Go back to KSP space center. Save the game from here. Then, using a separate spacecraft that has any planet targeted, do a quick time warp from orbit view. Go back to KSP space center, then fly the affected spacecraft. It should be back to normal. NEVER timewarp within physics range of other spacecraft. Target a planet prior to doing a regular timewarp, then switch back to the spacecraft you are trying target after warping usually works. Notice that the movement is always Radial Out when it does happen.

I hope this helps!



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I'm glad it's not just me. Are you telling me to avoid time warp into range of another craft? Time warping to just outside of phyaics range should be safe? I did notice on the most recent bug encounter it was radial out, when I used quick switch to another vessel that one started to do the same exact thing. I was able to counter the bugs velocity change with a small craft I was trying to dock to an orbital station, docking worked but then the bug affected the entire craft. Time warp is really the only thing that makes this game playable, I hope they can figure this out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is anyone looking into this? I just tried docking with a station around Gilly, did not use time warp out of fear, but after failing to dock for about 5 minutes the station started to gradually move itself away from the controlled vehicle... hello?! what. Yes that's something else, both vessels were targeting their respective docking ports and still couldn't make the connection. Yes I'm on Xbox, I know, that's my first problem...

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