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[KBC News 24] Deep Orbit Attempt Undertaken By 'Low Orbit Explorer'


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Veto Aerospace's latest effort, a low orbit craft intended for Moho exploration - named Low Orbit Explorer - carried out its mission, and followed orders to exhaust fuel at lowest possible orbit.










This should give a better idea as to what size of craft the delta-v neccessary to reach low orbit translates to for future reference.

This craft can only reach around Eve orbit.

Edited by RedDwarfIV
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Actually, Scott Manley has made a video on how to exploit the Orbeth effect as to be much more fuel efficient about this kinda stuff.

Well, if Jeremy Clarkson played KSP, he'd build what I'm planning. Rather than exploiting the Oberth effect like James May would, he'd just be all like 'POWERRRRR!' before shunting his ship down to Moho. In many ways, he is like Jeb but in real life and with cars instead of rockets.

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