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Jool 500 Kolonization Mission


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Jool 500 Kolonization Mission



The idea of the Jool 500 Kolonization Challenge is to take five hundred kerbals to colonise all 5 of Jool's moons, in the most complete way possible. The main challenge of this mission is the scale of it. It is not enough to simply launch 5 massive crew transports and land each of them on a moon. It is not even enough to bring a base and a rover along too. No, the goal of this challenge is to create a self-sustaining civilization in the Jool system including satellite networks, resource gathering/transport, etc


Kerbal Space Program v1.7.3 with Making History and Breaking Ground.  Game Mode:  Sandbox, Normal. 


  • USI-LS
  • Kerbal Planetary Base System
  • SpaceY Heavy Lifters
  • NearFuture Electrical
  • BallastWater Tanks
  • DeepFreeze  (CPU killer)
  • MechJeb 
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock
  • Minimum Ambient Lighting


  • Outer Planets Mod

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High Level Mission Schedule

  • Transit 1:  Satellites/network (Jool , Laythe and Pol) and probes, bases
  • Transit 2: More bases and outposts delivered
  • Transit 3: Kolonists (20) and resource carriers
  • Transit 4: Satellites/network (Tylo, Vall and Bop) and probes, bases
  • Transit 5: Bases and resource carriers
  • Transit 6: Kolonists (480) and ancillary craft

Demonstration of sustainability.



Scanners and relay satellites


Jool Relay:  2 x RA-100 relays in polar orbit capable of signal from Jool to Kerbin



Moon Relay:  Each moon - 3 x RA-2 relays in polar orbit.  Capable of signal from moon to Jool relay



Scanner:  1 x M700 scanner  in polar orbit around each moon - conveys resource data




Probe and scouting rover (dual purpose):  Includes 5 seats, and science scanner


Ion rover/probe:  Used on Pol and Bop to survey for minerals and locate a landing zone, as a short range scouting rover  



Lightweight sea rover/probe:  Used on Laythe oceans to survey for minerals and locate a landing zone, as a short range scouting rover



Lightweight rover/probe:  Used on Laythe, Vall and Tylo to survey for minerals and locate a landing zone, as a short range scouting rover 



Bases:  Habitat supporting up to 20 kerbals


Terrestrial base (20 Kerbals)



Terrestrial outpost (10 Kerbals)



Ocean outpost (10 Kerbals)

Shown prior to deployment, awaiting first colonists.


Spacestation outpost:  20 Kerbals)




Resource carriers:  Skycrane, Supply Carrier, Kerbal Carrier (Cryo Rover) and Nuclear Fuel Facility 


Skycrane:  Provides orbital and suborbital transport for resource carriers and cryo containers and lab rovers.



Supply carrier



Supply carrier, Ocean



Cryo Rover (carries 25 frozen Kerbals)



Nuclear fuel generator and carrier (uranium and xenon)

[image pending]


Rovers:  Includes 5 seats, science lab and science equipment


Lab rover (Laythe, Vall, Tylo)

[image pending]


Lab rover (Pol, Bop), modified for low gravity

[image pending]


Ocean Lab rover (Laythe oceans)

[image pending]


Space Transport


Nuclear tug:  Transports up to 180t payload from Kerbin to Jool, also used for inter-moon transport

Shown here in a cluster of 4 units, refueling on Pol.



Space station:  Used to dock craft in orbit, and also to couple nuclear tugs.



Cryo container:  Freezes 25 Kerbals for transport from Kerbin to bases (and return?).

[image pending]


SuperLifter:  Lifts huge payloads to Kerbin orbit









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The mission has hit it's first disappointment.  My initial plan was to assemble one big (and I mean HUGE) craft so I only needed to calculate a single Kerbin to Jool transit per transfer window.  Fail!  My computer CPU and memory is nowhere near capable of handling such a large craft.  So the plan now is to assemble 4 separate transit vehicles (TVs) in the transfer window 1, which I will refer to as TV1a, TV1b, TV1c and TV1d.  Adds to game time, but considering the scale of the mission, I am sure it will not be the last time I will need to adjust the program :) .


Edit:  Better news.  Through a program of reduced part count, and cutting down the number of relays per moon, I have succeeded in building the first transit with two craft. TV1a and TV1b.  

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Transit 1:  Satellites/network (Jool and Pol) and Pol probes and outposts (part 1)

My first two craft have completed the transit to Jool.  The following video shows :

  • 7 x launches of the Superlifter
  • Assembling in LKO two transit vehicles: comprising
    • Relay satellites (Jool Laythe and Pol),
    • Pol and Laythe probes/rovers
    • 1 x Skycrane 
    • 4 x Pol Terrestrial Outposts and 4 x Laythe Ocean Outposts
    • 4 x Nuclear Tugs
  • Execute the transit to Jool, including Tylo flyby capture
  • Deploy relay satellites for providing full surface coverage
    • 2 x Jool RA-100 relays head toward the edge of SOI for polar orbit adjustment (alarm clock is set for 178 days)
    • 3 x Pol RA-2 relays go to polar orbit, and T700 scans for resources.
  • Deploy probes/rovers to each Pol biome (Highlands, Lowlands, Midlands, and Poles) and mark flat landing zone
  • Land 4 x Nuclear Tugs and Skycrane at the Pol Highlands landing zone for refuelling

It will be 40 days to complete the refueling (minus engineer) so time to assemble craft for the the next transit.


Next video (part 2) will show deployment of habitats with the Skycrane, and landing of probes/rovers on Laythe, and deployment of the Jool relays into Jool polar orbit


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Change of plan.  After deploying all the relays and rovers/probes at Laythe, not much fuel left - I underestimated the dV needed to go from equatorial to polar orbit.  So leaving the Skycrane (with a load of oxidizer) in Laythe retrograde orbit, two nuclear tugs return to Pol for refueling.

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Successful delivery of the Laythe ocean habitats to Laythe orbit, but the Skycrane is a dud.  I completely forgot to include air brakes!  Darned beast keeps flipping over during the landing sequence.  I am ditching this one into the Sagen Sea, and will send another better version on transit 2, along with an engineer (first colonist) to improve refueling efficiency.



[video pending]

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On 3/20/2020 at 8:38 PM, xendelaar said:

HOLY FUGS that's a big ship! RIP CPU haha. Awesome mission btw!

The ships are surprisingly stable, but the CPU really struggles.  Matters got serious when I foolishly executed a rendezvous at Pol with two transit ships within 200m of each other.  Weird things happened, including random explosions.  I won't do that again.




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 Jool 500 Mission:  Transit 2.
Delivery of more Laythe bases/outposts and resource carriers.  Completion of Pol satellite network (3 in equatorial orbit, 3 in polar orbit). 25 frozen Kerbal pioneers on board.  Refuel of the nuclear tugs at Pol, 40 days, no need for engineer yet. 


Delivery of bases/outposts and carriers from Pol to Laythe low orbit.  Completion of Laythe relay network (3 in equatorial orbit, 3 in polar orbit).




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Jool 500 Mission:  Transit 2 Completed.

  • 7 x launches of the Superlifter from KSC
  • Assemble in LKO two transit vehicles: comprising
    • RA-2 relay satellites - Laythe (3) and Pol(3),
    • 1 x Laythe Skycrane (to replace the previous abject failure)
    • 1 x Cryo Rover, freezing 25 Kerbals on the launch pad
    • 5 x Supply Carriers (3 x Terrestrial, 2 x Amphibious craft)
    • 4 x Laythe Bases (each sustains 20 Kerbals)
    • 2 x Laythe Outposts (each 10 Kerbal seats) and Spacestation Outpost (20 Kerbals)
    • 4 x Nuclear Tugs
  • Execute the transit to Jool, including Tylo flyby capture, refueling tugs at Pol
  • Deploy relay satellites providing full surface coverage
    • 3 x Pol RA-2 relays go to equatorial orbit
    • 3 x Laythe RA-2 relays go to equatorial orbit
  • Establish Dune City:
    • Land 4 x Laythe Bases at the Dunes site (80 Kerbal seats)
    • and Cryo Rover at the Dunes site, unfreeze 20 Kerbals, and occupy one Base
    • Land 5 x Supply Carriers at the Dunes Site
    • Dock each Supply Carrier to the functioning Base, to fill them with supplies.
  • Land 4 x Laythe Outposts at Sagen Sea, Shallows, Shores and DeGrasse Sea
  • Deploy Laythe Space Station (20 Kerbal seats)
  • Transit 8 x Nuclear Tugs to Pol Highlands landing zone for refueling

Each refuel of the Skycrane requires an engineer to use the Dunes Rover to drive from the Dunes Base to the landing site, and occupy the Skycrane.  Each refuel requires about 5 days, then the Skycrane is ready to return to orbit.  There are supplies in the Skycrane that last about 20 days , and when exhausted these are replenished from the Supply Carriers.  There are 14 landings and launches of the Skycrane (phew!), plus a few suborbital "hops" to move the Skycrane closer to Dune City.

[video pending]

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Transit 3:


  • 12 x launches of the Superlifter from KSC
  • Assemble in LKO three transit vehicles (TVA3A, TV3B and TV3C): comprising
    • 1 x RA-100 relay satellite - Complete Jool polar relay satellite network
    • 29 x Supply Carriers (21 x Terrestrial, 8 x Amphibious craft)
    • 1 x Nuclear fuel ISRU facility (to be deployed at Laythe Peaks City)
    • 8 x Laythe Supply Bases (each sustains 20 Kerbals)
    • 4 x Outposts (each 10 Kerbal seats) and
    • 2 x Spacestation Outposts (each 10 Kerbals) for Pol Space Station
    • 6 x Nuclear Tugs
  • Execute the transit to Jool, including 3x Tylo flyby captures, and refueling tugs at Pol
  • Position Jool Relay to go to polar orbit.
  • Deploy Pol Space Station

At the end of this video the transit craft are in Pol orbit, with the tugs on the surface refueling.  Next stop Laythe.


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While the Transit 3 is under way, back on Laythe the Supply Carriers are filling up, and being sent out to the Outposts to ready them for Kerbals arriving.  The below video shows how the Skycrane is used to deploy supplies and Kerbals from a Supply Base at Dune City to a nearby outpost on the Sagen Sea. 


The above technique works for Sagen Sea, Shores, Crater Bay and Crescent Bay that have nearby Supply Bases.  But the Degrasse Sea Outpost is an exception.  It doesn't have a nearby Supply Base, and cannot do a  short suborbital hop to resupply.  This is not a showstopper, but the means to supply is a bit more challenging, here's how it is done:

  1. Skycrane lifts the Supply Carrier to orbit, little fuel remains
  2. Skycrane docks with Tugs * and 100% refuels in orbit
  3. Skycrane lands the Supply Carrier at the De Grasse Sea Outpost site
  4. Supply Carrier transit to the Outpost
  5. Skycrane returns to orbit (note:  can return to orbit with an empty Supply Carrier)
  6. Skycrane dock with Tugs * , and 50% refuels, then lands at Dunes City for refueling (5 days)
  7. Cryo Rover docks with Skycrane
  8. Skycrane lifts Cryo Rover to orbit,  docks with tugs and 100% refuels
  9. Skycrane lands at De Grasse Sea site
  10. Lightweight rover transports Kerbals to Outpost
  11. Skycrane and Cryo Rover returns to orbit, docks with Tugs * , 50% refuels and lands again at Dune City. to fully refuel.

* The challenge here is ensuring enough fuel in the Tugs.  It requires initially that the Tugs return to Pol for a refuel, which delays the process by 20-60 days.  To ensure this process is smooth, a large fuel tanker will be added to Laythe Space Station kept topped up but continuous refueling by the Tugs.  Below is the fuel tank.  Look familiar?  Yes it's a modified Superlifter with the engines ejected, and will be be delivered on Transit 4 and 5 to Laythe and Tylo equatorial orbits, docking the Space Stations





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  • 2 weeks later...

I have come back to this mission after a brief hiatus, and immediately realised how the scale of the project is taxing my computers CPU resources.  It is SLOW.  The good news is that I won a new computer in a competition (yay) and hoping this will provide better performance.  So will be getting back to this in a few weeks.

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