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when I make a specific orbit I don't finish the mission

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Estaba en mi modo de carrera. Acepté una misión para hacer un satélite para duna que decía que tenía que llevar algunos módulos científicos que llevarían luces que lo completarían, pero no pude solicitar una órbita específica, pero cuando lo hice no dije eso Completé ese requisito y no pude terminar la misión.





Edited by Ivanlol151
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Hello @Ivanlol151, it seems your link is not working, it may because the image is set to private. The most common reason for not completing these type of missions is that you are orbiting the wrong way. If you look carefully at the target orbit you should see it pulsing in the required direction.

Also I have moved your issue to gameplay questions.

Edited by James Kerman
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1 minute ago, Ivanlol151 said:

I was in my career mode. I accepted a mission to make a satellite to a dune that said I had to carry some science modules that would carry lights that would complete it but I couldn't make a request for a specific orbit but when I did it I didn't say that I had completed that requirement and I couldn't finish the mission





be carefull to have required tajectory. not only shape of orbit, but also direction of flight must be clockwise / anticlockwise

also there are other causes why contract has not been evaluated as finished. maybe you didnt have required module on it, with proper settings.

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