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One rotor not spinning

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I'm trying to make a small craft with tilit engines, for fun. It uses the smallest servo, that's how small it is. Now, there's 2 of them, one on each side. And in the SPH they both work fine, but once I launch, the left one just won't move. I trieda lot, manual rotation, removing from symmetry, placing separately. Nothing works? Anyone else experience this bug, and does someone have a fix? Power and electricity are not a problem, and the exact same thing on the other side does work...

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Yes, I've encountered it on tilt-motor servo designs.  

A little hard to explain, but in my case what was happening is I copy-pasted the servo and somehow the KAL-1000 assignment got duplicated on to one of the servos twice.  Then when I tried to program the second servo to rotate opposite of the first, the KAL was sending two sets of signals to the one servo that caused it to perfectly cancel out.  So the net effect was it appeared that one servo did not function when in reality it was getting two exact opposite or mirrored signals.

The solution involved wiping the KAL-1000 and reprogramming each of the tilt-rotors one at a time.  I figured out what it was doing by selecting each of the parts in the action key assignment area and watching which parts lit up blue in the SPH.  I could see when I selected one of the assignments, it lit two of the servos blue when I was expecting just one.

Edited by XLjedi
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