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KSP 2 Developer Update Videos

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Anyone have any idea how often these videos will be released? I’ve watched Episode 1 like 50 times. I was assuming it would be monthly updates since the release window is March 2020- March 2021. I don’t expect the game to release until fall this year at the earliest and it seems from the videos that the game is very far in beta stage and probably just going through heavy polishing. I’m hoping the next video released will be for the base building assembly.

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On 3/15/2020 at 5:28 AM, HenryBlatbugIII said:

The only information I know of about that is that during the PAX East preview, they said they were planning to release those videos "every couple of months".

edited to add link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/559802578?t=03h01m30s


Every couple of months is disappointing. However I'm still extremely excited to see the base assembly episode.

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