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KSP crashes when entering/exiting VAB

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Greetings from outer space fellow Kerbonauts!

My KSP always crashed from time to time, a game crash every twenty gaming hours or so, no problem to me, I never cared.

But recently it started crashing pretty regularly, and it always happens when I try to enter or exit the VAB (not every time I enter/exit VAB, but every five or so attempts). I used to play vanilla for quite a while, but a few days ago I finally added mods to the game and started a new career, and I unfortunately added so many mods that I don't know where to start looking for the problem. :unsure:

Does anybody have a clue what kind of problem would cause a crash when entering/exiting the VAB? Or which mod could be responsible? Or can such information be found in the error.log file?

Here is the error.log file (I really hope the player.log is not needed for this, I tried uploading it, but even divided in parts it was too big for a free-to-use file uploader :blink:)

Here is a list of all the mods I've installed (sorry... it's pretty long):


Chatterer 0.9.98

ClickThroughBlocker 1.8.0-

Community Tech Tree 3.4.0


Crew RandR

Community Resource Pack

Destruction Effects 1.11

Distant Object 2.0.2

Earn your Stripes 3.0.1

Easy Vessel Switch 2.1

Engine Lighting Relit


Flight Tracker 3.0

Heat Control 0.5.1

Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes 1.1.2

KAS 1.5

Kerbal Engineer

KIS 1.24


Launch Count Down



Modular Rocket Systems 1.13.2

Module Manager 4.1.3

Near Future Aeronautics 1.0.4

Near Future Construction 1.2.1

Near Future Electrical 1.1.0

Near Future Exploration 1.0.4

Near Future Launch Vehicles 1.3.0

Near Future Propulsion 1.2.0

Near Future Solar 1.1.0

Near Future Spacecraft 1.3.0

Planet Shine

SCANsat 19.1

Scatterer 0.055

SVE 1.4.1

Texture Replacer 4.1.1


Warp Drive


Any kind of help would be appreciated, these crashes are pretty annoying.

And, as always these days, stay healthy! :wink:


[EDIT]: Also, this (or something similar like all buildings vanishing) happens sometimes since I've added the mods. It is somehow linked to savegames, because even after a full restart of KSP it does happen again when I load the particular save, while quitting to Main Menu and reloading the persistent save solves the problem. That way it's not a big deal, because the newly written persistent save is the same game progress as the corrupted save, but I'm a bit concerned that this might happen with the persistent savegame one day, and that could end up do be a game-breaker:


Edited by Sepone
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