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Infinite Cold plasma based on oxygen? (Applied to model kits!)


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I saw something on an english company using oxygen as the basis of their cold plasma for getting rid of contaminents in the air.


Could this be reapplied to make things for toys like gundam models. Could it be used with either weak lasers or electromagnetics to make laser gun toys, laser swords, plasma bolt toys that actually shoot out little balls of cold plasma?

Lastly could it be made into mini thrusters to power it and then infinitely fly around and have mini animatronic/electronics making the mech into a tiny real life robot?

I assume it would have to be pretty light. But could it be possible? Could either mini compressor or some other form of rechargeable oxygen battery be used to power it for as long as desired? (balancing storage vs intake as needed.) I assume adding oxygen, or even possibly taking it away could effect the end result somehow.



Might have to cast stuff in lighter materials. And figure out proper balance.





 Little balloons might be a good way to put in light containers that can be sucked out for extra thrust if the maximum pressure is controlled to not tear it or suck it in. If compressors are used they could release into it at a controlled pressure to fill it. This could simulate thrusters potentially. Or something to smooth out air pressure or something odd. (Maybe)


I wonder if you can miniaturize it in a way to get rid of the higher voltage also. Something so it can be run on batteries and maybe use thrust to produce electricity to recharge batteries for as long as possible.

If anything the thrusters could be visual only and not provide enough lift to do anything. It would be an improvement to leds if anything. And you could reproduce some of the mechs actual systems in the process for fun.

This may work in some cases as a way of making low level illumination:

This could be used to coat the plastic or another mold material(preferably lightweight) and then use realistic magnetic coatings to paint. Hopefully reproducing whatever they would use on a real mech. Or just getting a nice paint job. It seems to retain a lot of detail also. So, you could customize the parts as much as possible and retain all detail from modifying the plastic layer.

You could also probably isolate parts and magnetize them with frames in place to paint parts in different orders making more options for painting. It might make it easier to tape stuff off and not have it bleed if the magnet is drawing the paint in more to the center of where you are painting. It could also reproduce real methods for real world objects for realism.


Neuro computer to control the mech!! ><




Power generation

Magnetohydrodynamic power generation, a direct energy conversion method from a hot gas in motion within a magnetic field was developed in the 1960s and 1970s with pulsed MHD generators known as shock tubes, using non-equilibrium plasmas seeded with alkali metal vapors (like caesium, to increase the limited electrical conductivity of gases) heated at a limited temperature of 2000 to 4000 kelvins (to protect walls from thermal erosion) but where electrons were heated at more than 10,000 kelvins.[15][16][17][18]

A particular and unusual case of "inverse" nonthermal plasma is the very high temperature plasma produced by the Z machine, where ions are much hotter than electrons.[19][20]




Could you use cold plasma and make the system within the efficiencies to power batteries or something in a model and keep the weight down? Or proportional to what the scale from a, "real," mech would be? Obviously the point would be to make a completely safe version for toys.


It would be cool to have model kits with little cold plasma laser swords that can bounce off each other and little laser guns and rifles that shoot cold plasma possibly combined with a weak laser for visuals. And little thrusters regardless of if they are effective. It would be nicer than LEDs by a long shot. Let alone real servos and moving parts.

Maybe magnets to lower the overall power draw:

I'm assuming this is what a lot of mechs are using internally. I see a lot of glowy disks in them.



Disc generator

Diagram of a Disk MHD generator
Diagram of a disk MHD generator showing current flows

The third and, currently, the most efficient design is the Hall effect disc generator. This design currently holds the efficiency and energy density records for MHD generation. A disc generator has fluid flowing between the center of a disc, and a duct wrapped around the edge. (The ducts are not shown.) The magnetic excitation field is made by a pair of circular Helmholtz coils above and below the disk. (The coils are not shown.)

The Faraday currents flow in a perfect dead short around the periphery of the disk.

The Hall effect currents flow between ring electrodes near the center duct and ring electrodes near the periphery duct.

The wide flat gas flow reduced the distance, hence the resistance of the moving fluid. This increases efficiency.

Another significant advantage of this design is that the magnets are more efficient. First, they cause simple parallel field lines. Second, because the fluid is processed in a disk, the magnet can be closer to the fluid, and in this magnetic geometry, magnetic field strengths increase as the 7th power of distance. Finally, the generator is compact for its power, so the magnet is also smaller. The resulting magnet uses a much smaller percentage of the generated power.


Either way, the idea could make cool little robots for space stuff. They could fly around and look for wholes and have little arms to do maintenance. Or aid in stuff while in space. Especially if they could convert things into fuel or convert fuel into air and water etc.

Edited by Arugela
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I actually have one of these glass containers. I wonder if you can just use silicon and that layer of other meaterial between the lid and the base to fit in the electric and tubings. Then you can possibly adjust it later and you can avoid cutting glass. This makes it even simpler. Apply a bike pump or later a compressor. I actually have a cheap 30 dollar mini fridge. I wonder if it has a compressor in it. I'm assuming it's all electric though and uses something like peltiers though.

I wonder how much pressure you need to achieve to try to do coatings with the stuff in this video:



And are there any safety issues besides glass flying if it implodes.


I really like the idea of that coating method. If you can apply a thin strong layer and then remove it from a mold you can make endless versions of it. I wonder if that thing of a layer could be used make a mold. Is titanium or anything easily used in this strong enough to make a coating as mold for later versions? And can anything be put between it and a model kit to not destroy the original plastic but still use it later. Might need clay and a mold I'm guessing. But if the vacuum chamber and the method could produce both it might be convenient.


Edited by Arugela
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