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Mods in game not displaying correctly

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Моды в игре ксп не правильно отображаются...

Столкнулся с проблемой, установленные моды на версию previous 1.3.1 не отображаются во вкладках, то есть вкладок сними в основном меню деталей (там где двигатели крылья и тд) просто нет. Из-за чего проблема?
Mods in the xp game are not displayed correctly ...

Faced a problem, the installed mods for the previous 1.3.1 version are not displayed in the tabs, that is, remove the tabs in the main parts menu (where the engines are wings, etc.). What is the problem?

Edited by James Kerman
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Welcome to the forum @Deni,

I've moved your problem to our tech support section and added a translation to your post and title because all posts, outside of the international section require an English translation. We encourage you to use a service like google translate if you are posting in the general forum and I hope you get assistance with your issue.

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If you just updated the game from version 1.3.1 to version 1.9.1 then I’m not surprised your mods aren’t working. You will need to get the most recent versions of those mods and install those instead of the outdated mods you currently have, but some might not behave been updated so you may have to stop using them.

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