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Docking Port Decouple Vs Undocking

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I was looking at Docking ports. I saw the option to "Undock" but also one to "Decouple". What is the difference between those.

Is there a difference in using a docking port to dock and allow crew transfers and fuel transfers or as a connection point to hold station parts together? I figure there must be a reason for having both options.




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When you first build a rocket with a generic docking port, you can attach a part to the docking port. Such as a nosecone. What this means is that the docking port acts like a decoupler the very first time you use it -- when you clear that very first attached part from the docking port.


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7 hours ago, bewing said:

When you first build a rocket with a generic docking port, you can attach a part to the docking port. Such as a nosecone. What this means is that the docking port acts like a decoupler the very first time you use it -- when you clear that very first attached part from the docking port.

I use the nosecone on top of docking port frequently, esp in the early game.

Can add that you can also r-click on the docking port and add it to staging.


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9 hours ago, bewing said:

When you first build a rocket with a generic docking port, you can attach a part to the docking port. Such as a nosecone. What this means is that the docking port acts like a decoupler the very first time you use it -- when you clear that very first attached part from the docking port.


...how come I didn't know this?! :o I've got 878 hours clocked into KSP already, yet I had no idea you don't need an extra decoupler for docking port nosecones!

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