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player.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/r8u48gdwtk5v3yl/Player null.log?dl=0

I can't launch a vessel directly from the runway. Even the stock vessel doesn't load up in SPH. (small stock vessels load up, but most doesn't work) and they display this message in console. NullReferenceException over and over whenver i try to load them.

my modlist 


Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (FMRS) Continued (FMRSContinued
[x] Science! Continued (xScienceContinued 5.26)
AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads (ModularLaunchPads 2.0.8)
Antenna Helper (AntennaHelper 2:
ASET Agency  (ASETAgency 1.0)
ASET Props (ASETProps 1.5)
Astronomer's Visual Pack (AstronomersVisualPack 2:v4.03)
Astronomer's Visual Pack-8k Textures (AVP-8kTextures v1.10)
AtmosphereAutopilot (Fly-By-Wire) (AtmosphereAutopilot v1.5.16)
AutoAGL (AutoAGL 1.2)
B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.16.0)
BetterBurnTime (BetterBurnTime 1.10)
BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont
Camera Focus Changer (CameraFocusChanger 1:1.1.0)
Camera Tools (CameraTools v1.14.0)
Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)
Chatterer Extended (ChattererExtended 0.6.2)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker
CommNet Antennas Consumptor (CommNetAntennasConsumptor 2.4.1)
CommNet Antennas Info (CommNetAntennasInfo 2.4.1)
CommNet Relays (ContractConfigurator-CommNetRelays v2.1.0)
Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit
Community Delta-V Maps (CommunityDeltaVMaps v2.6.0)
Community Trait Icons (CommunityTraitIcons v1.1.1)
Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.28.0)
Contract Pack: Exploration Plus (ContractConfigurator-ExplorationPlus 2.0.1)
Contract Parser (ContractParser 9.0)
Contracts Window + (ContractsWindowPlus 9.4)
Craft Manager (CraftManager 1.2.0)
Critical Temperature Gauge (CriticalTemperatureGauge
Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit
Custom Pre Lauch Checks (CustomPreLaunchChecks 1.8.1)
DE IVAExtension (DE-IVAExtension v1.0.2)
Distant Object Enhancement Continued (DistantObject v2.0.0.2)
Distant Object Enhancement Continued default config (DistantObject-default v2.0.0.2)
Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.8.6)
Earn Your Stripes! (EarnYourStripes 4.0.2)
Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.1)
Engine Lighting Relit (EngineLightRelit
Environmental Visual Enhancements (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 2:EVE-1.8.0-2)
Extended information about scientific experiments in VAB (ScienceSituationInfo 1:1.3.4)
Field Training Facility (FieldTrainingFacility
Final Frontier (FinalFrontier 1.8.1-3479)
Flight Tracker (FlightTracker
HeapPadder (HeapPadder 0.0.2)
Improved and Updated Chase Camera (ImprovedUpdatedChaseCam 1.6.4)
Jet Sounds Continued (JetSoundsContinued
Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.13.0.0)
Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.6)
Kerbal Changelog (KerbalChangelog v1.2.1)
Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.25)
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next (KerbalJointReinforcementNext v4.1.15)
Kerbal Launch Failure (KerbalLaunchFailure 0.4.11)
Kerbal-Konstructs (KerbalKonstructs
Kourageous Tourists (KourageousTourists 0.5.2)
KRASH - Kerbal Ramification Artifical Simulation Hub (simulation mod for KSP) (KRASH 0.5.32)
KSC Extended (KSCExtended 2.2)
LightsOut Relit (LightsOutRelit v0.3.0.1)
Magpie Mods (MagpieMods 1.5.5)
Minimum Ambient Lighting Updated (MinAmbLightUpd 1.2.6)
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.3)
NavHud (NavHudRenewed
Omega's Stockalike Structures: No Textures Required (StockalikeStructures 0.0.12)
One Window (OneWindow 4.0)
PersistentRotation (PersistentRotation 1.8.7)
PlanetShine (PlanetShine
PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default
Portrait Stats (PortraitStats 18.0)
Progress Parser (ProgressParser 11.0)
RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.31.3)
RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.31.3)
RCS Build Aid Continued (RCSBuildAidCont 1:0.10.0)
Real Plume (RealPlume 2:v13.3.1)
Real Plume - Stock Configs (RealPlume-StockConfigs v4.0.1)
RecoveryController (RecoveryController 0.0.4)
ReStock (ReStock 1.1.2)
ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.1.2)
SafeChute (SafeChute v2.1.19)
scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0610)
Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0610)
Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0610)
ScienceAlert ReAlerted (ScienceAlert
Ship Effects Continued (ShipEffectsContinued 1.0.11)
SIMPLEX TechTree (SimplexTechTree 1:1.15.20200520)
SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin (SmokeScreen
Space Age (SpaceAge v1.2.0)
SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary
StageRecovery (StageRecovery
TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v4.1.3)
Textures Unlimited (TexturesUnlimited
The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset 0.3.7)
Time Control (TimeControl 1:2.9.8)
Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
TooManyOrbits (TooManyOrbits
Tracking Station Evolved (TrackingStationEvolved 6.0)
Training Laboratory (FieldTrainingLaboratory
Tundra's Space Center (TundraSpaceCenter 2.0.1)
Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager 2.8.1)
Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:

i tried removing some mods that seemd like the cause of this, KSC extended and tech tree mods for example. But i couldn't solve it.

I tried reinstalling every mod and the game itself, but didn't work either. And i also have problem opening scanrios. They just won't open(most of them)

Whenever i detach the stage in stock vessels (eg. acapello) my console pumps out nullexception messages.

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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at SaveUpgradePipeline.v180_ModuleControlSurface.ConvertControlAuthority (ConfigNode mNode, ModuleControlSurface module) [0x00017] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0

This looks like the likely candidate. EDIT: turns out ModuleControlSurface is a stock module included in deploying aero parts. I don't see any mods in the list that would obviously mess with this except possibly AtmosphereAutopilot

I suggest you verify your game files first of all and if that doesn't solve the issue:

  1. Clone your KSP instance with CKAN (I'm guessing you use CKAN otherwise that mod list would have taken a looooong time to collate!);
  2. Export your modpack to make it easy to reinstall all the mods later, you'll need it;
  3. Remove half of your mods in any order you like;
  4. Run the game and see if the problem persists- if yes then skip to 6; 
  5. If the problem is gone, reinstall all mods then uninstall the other half, run the game and see if the issue is still there- if not, there's some kind of interaction going on that will be really difficult to pin down, but if it still happens proceed to 6;
  6. You should now have a list of mods half the size of your previous total.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 as many times as you can until you either find the culprit or until the problem stops happening, at which point there must be an interaction going on. Hopefully by that stage there will be something obvious that you can remove to stop the problem.
  8. If you find the responsible mod(s), add all mods back in then remove those that are causing the problem and it should now be gone.
Edited by jimmymcgoochie
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