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[WIN]KSP Mod Manager (another one)


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Argh, it seems another people thinked to this before me ...

So this is my "version" of a Mod Manager, witch uses JaneSoft technology to enable-disable mods. Choose a zip package, choose a name and hop ! Mod created and ready to enable in JSGME.

So, for installation:

1. Get JSGME. Extract "JSGME.exe" and "JSGME.ini" in your main KSP Root folder.

2. (optional) Run JSGME, set your MOD folder. Close it.

3. Download KSP Mod Manager. Extract all 4 files in your KSP Root folder.

4. Run "KSP Mod Manager.exe". You can add multiple files at once, each file will be added in a separate MOD.

MODDERS: If you want to make your file compatible with this manager, the zip file must be the KSP Root: For example, the "Plugins" folder cannot situated here: "AddonName\Plugin".

You can add a "install.cfg" file (a simple plain-text file) with the following syntax:

"Desc:<string>" Add a description to the MOD appearing when hovering the MOD in JSGME. <string> contain the description itself, and cannot exceed 255 characters.

"Del:<file>" Deletes a file when the MOD is activated in JSGME. <file> is the relative path to the file (from the KSP Root folder). The file is recovered when the MOD is disabled.

The following characters are accepted as comments chars: "//", "#", ";", "rem". Example:

// MyMOD KSPModManager configuration - Do not extract this

Desc:MyAddon version 1.2 beta - Adds something new to KSP.

Del:Ships\VAB\Auto-Saved Ship.craft


-The "JSGME_KSPL.exe" is a standalone console program, witch simply start JSGME, wait until it finishes, and launches KSP. It is used by the KSP Mod Manager when you press "Start JSGME".

Known Bugs: The "install.cfg" file must be ended with a newline, otherwise the MOD will not be added in KSP Mod Manager.

TODO List:

-A "Update" function witch is self-explaining, and specific commands in the "install.cfg" file.

-An "Export" function to get from the MOD folder to a zip file with automatically generated "install.cfg" file

-More functions in the "install.cfg" file

-Change Splashcreen Image :D

-Other (type here)

Technically, this program is written in VB.NET (.NET Frameork 4) in Visual Studio 2010 (Express Ed.) If asked, I can post the source.

Any feedback welcome here :)

Enjoy and good flights !

Edited by SolarLiner
Changed JSGME file URL
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