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Rotation Servo Bug 1.9.1


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Rotation Servo Bug, affects newly designed craft.  I was watching a YouTuber last night, and he was experiencing this bug, so I loaded KSP and can confirm it is a bug, it is newly introduced after 1.8.1.  Steps to reproduce are as follows.  This is a significant bug, and makes many robotic designs unusable, I am surprised there is not more of an outcry about this.  Perhaps because designs before 1.9.1 still work ?


Video of YouTuber experiencing the bug :


Bug is repeatable.

Steps :

1. Create a parent part, example MK2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage + legs and whatever to create the test platform.  Remember to put electric power on it for the servo tests.

2. Choose Mirror Symmetry MM

3. Place a Rotation Servo M-12 onto the ship.  There should be 2 due to the mirroring.

4. Right click, and Set "Allow Full Rotation" to "Disabled"

5. Change Angle limits to 0, 90

6. Test the craft in editor by changing the "Target Angle".  Notice that it works correctly.  Both Rotation Servo M-12 should move together when the target angle is changed.  This step is to test that the design is set up correctly.

7. Launch the craft.

8. On the runway, change the "Target Angle".  Only one will move, the other is stationary.  It cannot be moved regardless of "Target Angle" placement.  This is a bug.


Again, it is a VERY annoying bug, and basically makes anything other than simple designs unworkable.  Please fix this SQUAD.  You guys are champs, thank you so much for maintaining KSP even tho v2 might come out one day.




EDIT: There does seem to be a workaround to this if you edit the craft file.  Change the ModuleRoboticRotationServo section and mirrorRotation from True to False, and inverted from False to True.  Parts then work correctly in the editor also.  Make sure you choose the right robotic part if you do this, editing craft files is not for beginners.
        name = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
        isEnabled = True
        softMinMaxAngles = (0, 90)
        allowFullRotation = False
        targetAngle = 0
        inverted = False   <- Change from True to False
        mirrorRotation = True <- Change from False to True
        traverseVelocity = 90
        hingeDamping = 100
        previousTargetAngle = 0
        servoIsLocked = False
        servoIsMotorized = True
        jointParentRotation = 0,0,0,1
        servoMotorIsEngaged = True
        launchPosition = 0
        servoMotorSize = 100
        servoMotorLimit = 100
        lockPartOnPowerLoss = True
        servoTransformPosition = 0,2.2382096E-15,1.36598084E-08
        servoTransformRotation = 0,0,0,1
        useMultipleDragCubes = False
        stagingEnabled = True

EDIT: Another work around is to set allow full rotation to "true" and to use an animation controller to control the movement of the servo.  This is actually I think the best of bad options right now, the above work around has too many problems with it, namely the editor keeps reverting these changes under various conditions.

NOTE TO MODS: There is a very similar thread, active now.  I created this new thread, as I am convinced there are 2 different bugs that create a similar effect, and they are being amalgamated in the other thread.  The bug with the autostruts is NOT the same as this bug.

Edited by Gavin786
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