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[0.16]Not really SPACEships, but they are ships!


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**Note that these were built with 0.16 version of KSP, so they may not work fully with 0.17 without some modification.**

I made some "Battle" ships that float rather nicely on the water around kerbin. They can be a little stubborn when getting them into the water, but I have done it many times. Try to hit the water between 5 m/s to 8 m/s and you'll have enough speed to hopefully knock the cart off the bottom.

The mods I used are:

NovaPunch 1.3Beta

RemoteTech (for antennas)

Damned Robotics

Damned Aerospace


Cart mod

JAWRD Mod missiles and Railgun

If I missed any other mods let me know, but Im pretty sure I have them all listed.

Heres the KNV (Kerbal Naval Vessel) Jebediah


The KNV Bob


And the KNV Bill (with the other two in the background)



Edited by fox429
added more mod info
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From my past experiments with watercraft, I'm going to guess somewhere between Snail and Rock.

Have you seen this guy. I think it says 165.9 m/s .


I'll try out those ships Fox429, they look fun.

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Absolutely gorgeous. What are their top speeds?

They are not fast at all. Top speed is 10 m/s, but depends on the ship though. I'm working on much larger and smaller crafts as well, but the turbo props aren't really powerful enough to make them go faster on the water. Planning to make a battleship sized one, maybe even a realish looking aircraft carrier too. But my game lags like all hell in the water, even with graphics all the way down. Sucks.

Edited by fox429
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with that new carrier parts mod, I foresee many uber massive warships being showcased

I havent heard about those parts, should be interesting.

Also if anyone has any C&C for me after trying them out, shoot. These are my first creations that I have shared and would like to know what you think.

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Ill go ahead and re up them to mediafire for ya.

Aircraft Carrier Aries I








I also finished the base idea for my Aircraft Carrier. It uses only three non stock parts.

Sunbeam laser for AA fire (lol)

Heavy Duty strut from NovaPunch

Propfan from DamnedAerospace



and a flyby


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