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My game says a thing about module manager

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Try uninstalling and reinstalling ModuleManager first. Make sure you're using the right version of it for your version of KSP- for KSP 1.8 and later you should be on MM 4.1.3 but for KSP 1.4 to 1.7.3 you should use MM 4.0.3 instead, they're mutually incompatible due to a change in the Unity engine used by KSP that was introduced in 1.8 and broke a whole lotta mods.

You should also delete the four module manager files inside GameData (not the plugin itself but the files it generates: ModuleManager.ConfigCache, ModuleManager.ConfigSHA, ModuleManager.Physics and ModuleManager.TechTree) and let it generate those files again.

If the problem persists after trying that, check the log files- KSP.log is inside the KSP directory itself but provides limited information, Player.log/Player.txt provides a lot more detail but can be harder to track down as it depends on your KSP version and operating system (if you're on Windows and running a fairly recent version of KSP you'll probably find it at C:/users/your user name/AppData/LocalLow/Squad/Kerbal Space Program- AppData is a hidden folder so enable 'show hidden' to find it). You should also check the logs in Logs/ModuleManager inside the KSP folder itself to see what MM is complaining about.

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