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Separate volume control for RCS thrusters

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RCS sound is ridiculously loud compared to other ship noises and the human brain can only deal with so much noise like that before it becomes cloying.  Aesthetically, it completely clashes with the ambient music.  And as we all know there is no sound in space so there is no real argument for them being so loud once one has folded on sounds being there at all.  But even if the idea is you'd hear them inside the ship they certainly wouldn't be louder than the main engines and probably much more quiet (any real astronauts out there who know?).  It is particularly annoying when doing a long decel using RCS on Minmus or similar when the sound file apparently runs out and it apparently loops to repeat with the quirky gap in between; it doesn't increase the sense of realism and definitely not when so loud.  Bridging the sound gap on long RCS burns would be great also, of course, but for now a separate RCS volume slider in settings would be a nice mitigation.  Is this something a mod could do or is it something better left to KSP?  

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