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AGU vs ADU Jr...

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I was checking the text-compare of the part.cfg (AGU) to the smallclaw.cfg (AGU jr), and found that except for the mass, node attach value (second value, 0 vs -0.06) and bulkheadProfiles (size1 vs size0), and of course Mesh/variants values, I do not see any difference.

In that case, aside form looks, are there any thing that differ the AGU jr from the standard AGU in terms of grip strength, mass/volume it can hold etc?

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When you grab something, you essentially dock to it. That means there is an artificial node connection created between your ship and the object you grabbed.

All node connections are more stable the larger they get. So, the larger grabbing unit would wobble less around the attachment point. Think of it as using a larger size docking port.


Edited by Streetwind
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