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Disapearing craft

A Fat Pokemon

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I just noticed that all of my craft that I had orbiting Kerbin are gone :( (Goodbye my massive random structures and halo ring ;.;).

Anyways, im just wondering if this is linked to that bug that occurs when you leave Kerbins SOI where it rips ships out of their orbits, but I've only heard of it doing it to craft that are on or orbiting the Mun and Minmus, and craft orbiting or on Kerbin are apparently fine :P

Im not posting this in bug reports for a reason, as there is not enough detail to sho how to replicate it and such, but I am merely wondering if anybody else has experienced this and if they know the reasons as to why this happens.

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Nope, older craft of mine are still on the Mun and Minmus. And yes, all of my debris along with the ships just disappeared.

EDIT: I think I know what went wrong, should have realised this sooner :blush: I think it has something to do with the Remote tech mod, as those craft were my only ones up there since I noticed. May this thread be locked please?

Edited by A Fat Pokemon
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