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Faster loading: cache the datastructures to disk in a blob

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Cache the parsed results of all those very fluffy and very wordy text files in GameData and store the resulting data structures as a big blob.  If any file are updated, then just parse as is the norm at startup now, otherwise just mmap that blob and go

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that is actually not the reason why KSP loads so slowly - and caching wouldn't do much to help, I think.

the real reason for the long loading times is that KSP has to load everything up front - so even parts you have never used are parsed and loaded along with all their models, textures and whatnot when the game starts up.

I've considered making a mod that replaces parts with a fast-loading surrogate of sorts and then replaces them with their full versions only when and if they are actually used.... It's theoretically possible to pull this off, but not being a rich man, I am unable to spare that much effort into such an endeavor.


This was actually something I made a point of avoiding when I made the part-loading logic for my own MotorWings project - It only loads parts when you pick them up for placement or load an airplane that uses them.  It's startup time from desktop to hangar is negligible because of this.


Thus I can confidently say that caching those text files would alas, most probably not really help KSP load any much faster...



Edited by Moach
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